GFZ German research centre for geo sciences

VECTOR - Vectors to Accessible Critical Raw Material Resources in Sedimentary Basins

Europe set out its goals for decarbonization in the EU Green Deal. Achieving these targets will require more responsible use of, and a sharp increase in, the supply of critical raw materials. To meet its demand in raw materials, the EU is currently reliant on imports and is therefore vulnerable to changes in the geopolitical landscape and supply chain interruptions. Complex social, environmental, and technical challenges need to be understood to explore the potential domestic sourcing of metals and minerals in the EU.

In the EU project VECTOR, new passive and sustainable exploration methods are being developed and tested to explore Europe's raw material potential. Passive seismic and magnetotelluric measurements will be carried out in 1) Irish Midlands and 2) Spremberg (Copper Shale). The aim is to map the 3D subsurface structure and research the benefits of these methods for mineral exploration.

 Time Frame

  • 01.06.2022 - 31.05.2025 


  • EU Horizon
  • UK Research and Innovation 


  • Dr. Christian Haberland
  • Dr. Trond Ryberg
  • Dr. Corinna Roy
  • Prof. Dr. Oliver Ritter
  • Dr. Ute Weckmann
  • Dr. Kristina Tietze

Project Website



Methods & Equipment

  • Passive Seismic und MT
  • Ambient Noise Tomographie
  • 3C Geophone, Trillium Compact
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