Section 1.2: Global Geomonitoring and Gravity Field

Current Projects

The project G-MONARCH is investigating to what extent gravimetric methods can contribute to a better understanding and quantification of hydrological processes and storages in high-alpine catchments.

The GRACE-C Mission is a joint NASA-DLR project to continue the time series of mass change measurements of the original GRACE and GRACE-FO missions, again with significant GFZ contributions.

The Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment-Follow-On (GRACE-FO) mission, successfully launched on May 22, 2018, is a joint NASA-GFZ project to continue the the objectives and data sets of the original GRACE (2002-2017) mission.

The GRAV4GEO project aims to expand the resolution of currently available global gravity field models beyond their current limits using a forward gravity modelling technique that incorporates high resolution digital elevation and bathymetry models together with a laterally varying density model.

The MCGS project is developing particularly cost-effective, compact, low-power, GNSS-based measurement systems for geoscientific and engineering applications.

The research group NEROGRAV focuses on improving and better understanding of sensor data, background models, and processing strategies of satellite gravimetry to increase the resolution, accuracy, and long-term consistency of mass transport time series.

The project assesses the benefits of Next-generation Global Navigation Satellite Systems (NextGNSS) constellations beyond current GPS, GLONASS, Galileo, or Beidou for various key geodetic objectives, all of them meeting the requirements defined by the Global Geodetic Observing System (GGOS).

Ny-Ålesund is a research centre on Spitsbergen. The emission of radio waves is here generally limited to the bare minimum, in order to protect the many sensitive measuring devices on site, and even prohibited by the authorities in the 2-32 GHz frequency range. In the RSM-NYA project, the most important frequency ranges used locally are monitored and visualised via a web-based data portal.

Between 2002 and 2017, the US/German GRACE satellite mission provided monthly time series of gravity field models describing mass transport in the Earth system. These models are used by a broad scientific community to observe and analyze seasonal and sub-seasonal variations in the continental hydrological cycle, ice mass loss in Antarctica or Greenland, or surface and deep ocean currents. Since 2018, this time series has been extended by the GRACE Follow-on (GRACE-FO) mission and now spans more than 20 years. GRACE-FO was jointly realized and now operated in NASA/GFZ partnership.

Completed Projects

ADVANTAGE | Advanced Technologies for Navigation and Geodesy

GFZ Work Packages of Project ADVANTAGE

Future generations of European global navigation satellite systems are expected to take advantage of recent breakthroughs in optical clock and optical data communication technology, progressions in atom interferometry and new concepts for autonomous spacecraft operations. Within project ADVANTAGE innovative architectures for future navigation systems are envisaged, designed and developed with wide ranging benefits for society, industry and science.

ADVANTAGE is a joint project of Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt (DLR) and Deutsches GeoForschungsZentrum (GFZ) with support by several external partners. The project is funded for a period of three years by Hermann von Helmholtz-Gemeinschaft (HGF) within the framework of the "Impuls- und Vernetzungsfond" (Initiative and Networking Fund).

ADVANTAGE represents a joint effort of physicists, geodesists and engineers at the Helmholtz institutions DLR and GFZ. The project contributes to programme-oriented funding programs (POF) "Space", "Geosystem: The Changing Earth" and "Atmosphere and Climate". ADVANTAGE utilizes synergistic effects between important elements of these POF activities and thus further strengthens the impact of HGF.

Coordinator: Prof. H. Schuh

Personnel: K. Balidakis, G. Beyerle, G. Dick, Prof. F. Flechtner, H. Ge, M. Ge, S. Glaser, C. Falck, R. Heinkelmann, R. König, F. H. Massmann, G. Michalak, M. Murböck, K. H. Neumayer, T. Nilsson, M. Semmling, Prof. J. Wickert, F. Zus.

Time frame: March 2017 to December 2020

Advanced Technologies for Satellite Navigation and Geodesy. G. Giorgi, T.D. Schmidt, C. Trainotti, R. Mata-Calvo, C. Fuchs, M.M. Hoque, J. Berdermann, J. Furthner, C. Günther, T. Schuldt, J. Sanjuan, M. Gohlke, M. Oswald, C. Braxmaier, K. Balidakis, G. Dick, F. Flechtner, M. Ge, S. Glaser, R. König, G. Michalak, M. Murböck, M. Semmling, H. Schuh. Advances in Space Research, 2019, 64(6), pp. 1256-1273. DOI: 10.1016/j.asr.2019.06.01

File download

A summary of the main project objectives is available at this link:

ADVANTAGE White Paper (pdf-file, 41 KB)

EGSIEM | European Gravity Service for Improved Emergency Management

A new service for gravity field products and for forecasting and mapping of hydrological extreme events will be developed and implemented between 2015 and 2017 within the Horizon2020 Framework Program for Research and Innovation. Major contributions will be provided by GFZ´s Sections 1.2 “Global Geomonitoring and Gravity Field” and 5.4 “Hydrology”. Overall project lead is by the Astronomical Institute of the University Bern (CH), other contributing partners are the German Aerospace Center (D), University Graz (A), University Luxembourg (LUX), University Hannover (D), CNES (F) and Géode & Cie (F).

The overall objectives of EGSIEM are a) to deliver the best time-variable gravity products for applications in Earth and environmental science research, b) to reduce the latency and to increase the temporal resolution of the gravity and related mass redistribution products, and c) to develop gravity-based indicators for extreme hydrological events and demonstrate their value for flood and drought forecasting and monitoring services. This shall be done at different lead times (several months to near real time) via assimilation into flood forecasting models or in statistical forecasting approaches. An operational test run of at least half a year is foreseen in the frame of DLR’s Center for Satellite Based Crisis Information.  

Primary input to EGSIEM is the GRACE (Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment, NASA-DLR, since 2002) and GRACE-FO (Follow-on, NASA-GFZ, due for launch early 2018) satellite mission data which are e.g. provided by GFZ in the frame of the US-D GRACE Science Data Systems. These data will be complemented by satellite altimetry, GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite System) or SAR (Synthetic Aperture Radar) derived information.  

Further information on the project background and status can be found here.

FAMOS | Finalising Surveys for the Baltic Motorways of the Sea

GFZ/Section 1.2 was cooperation partner of the EU project FAMOS (Finalising Surveys for the Baltic Motorways of the Sea). Among others, FAMOS included all aspects of hydrographic surveying in the Baltic Sea according to the recommendations of the Baltic Sea Hydrographic Commission (HSHC) and the Baltic Marine Environment Protection Commission (Helsinki Commission – HELCOM).

FAMOS was a joint project of hydrographic, maritime and geodetic institutions and agencies of almost all EU countries around the Baltic Sea. The aim of the project was to improve the safety on the motorways of the sea in the Baltics. Part of the FAMOS activities was estimation of a new gravimetric geoid as common and unified chart datum in this sea.

The FAMOS project was finalized already by 2019. But the calculation of the new gravimetric geoid (the Baltic Sea Chart Datum 2000) is still ongoing and is currently being completed under the direction of the HSHC Chart Datum Working Group.

GFZ’s contribution in the FAMOS project was conduction of shipborne gravimetry campaigns including the related data processing. The shipborne gravity measurements for FAMOS were done with the Chekan-AM gravimeter equipment.

Project Partners (selection):

 Project Duration:

  • 2014 - 2019


Project related Publications:

  • Liebsch, G., Schwabe, J., Westfeld, P., Förste, C. (2022): Improving the geodetic infrastructure for bathymetry and 3D navigation in the German exclusive economic zone of the North and Baltic Sea. - International Hydrographic Review, 28, 121-138.
  • Ince, E. S., Förste, C., Barthelmes, F., Pflug, H., Li, M., Kaminskis, J., Neumayer, K., Michalak, G. (2020): Gravity Measurements along Commercial Ferry Lines in the Baltic Sea and Their Use for Geodetic Purposes. - Marine Geodesy, 43, 6, 573-602.


Geo Research Satellite GFZ-1

GFZ-1, the first satellite of the GeoForschungsZentrum Potsdam (GFZ), was designed as a small, passive satellite, equipped with 60 retro-reflectors to be illuminated from the ground by the global network of satellite laser ranging (SLR) systems. The spherical satellite had a mass of 20.630 kg and a diameter of 21.5 cm. On April 9th, 1995, GFZ-1 was transported from the Baikonur cosmodrome to the MIR space station aboard the PROGRESS M-27 automatic cargo spacecraft and from MIR jettisoned into a low Earth orbit on April 19th, 1995, 19:12 UT. From the initial altitude of nearly 400 km the orbit decayed naturally with a predicted mission lifetime of 3.5 up to 5 years.

In the field of satellite geodesy spherical satellites equipped with laser reflectors and orbiting at different altitudes are used for the high accuracy determination of variations in the rotational characteristics of the Earth, for precise position determination and for the measurement of the Earth's gravity field. For the recovery of high resolution parameters of the gravity field the satellite must be launched into the lowest possible orbit. At its altitude GFZ-1 was the lowest geodynamic satellite ever so far being ranged to by lasers. The mission objective of a significant improvement in modelling higher order terms of the gravity field was successfully achieved.

On June 23rd, 1999, 01:00 UT GFZ-1 completed its mission. The satellite burned up in the upper atmosphere. Since its spectacular start GFZ-1 has orbited nearly 24,000 times around the Earth. During four years and 64 days in space, 5,402 passes of GFZ-1 were observed by 33 stations of the global SLR network. The GFZ participated with its own SLR system located in Potsdam. The first pass of GFZ-1 was tracked in the USA by station Greenbelt in orbit no. 4 at an altitude of 398 km, the last one by station Yarragadee in Australia at an altitude of 230 km in orbit no. 23,718.

GFZ-1 has demonstrated the possibilities and difficulties of tracking such low targets with state-of-the-art SLR systems. In view of the results showing the presently unique contribution of GFZ-1 data in the area of gravity field determination from such LEO observations, together with a great deal of invaluable procedural experiences induced by this mission, the mission is internationally being recognized as highly successful.

GFZ1 - Mission Operation and Performance

GEOHALO | High Altitude and LOng Range Research Aircraft

The new German research aircraft HALO (High Altitude and LOng Range Research Aircraft) has been purchased by a joint initiative of the German Federal Ministry for Education and Research BMBF, the Max Planck Society, the Helmholtz Association, the state of Bavaria, the Reseach Centre Juelich, the Karlsruhe Institute for Technology KIT and the German Centre for Aeronautics and Space Research DLR. GFZ is partner of the HALO consortium. The German Research Foundation DFG is supporting projects on the HALO aircraft within the DFG High priority program SPP-1294 “Atmospheric and Earth System Research with the High Altitude and Long Range Research Aircraft (HALO)”.

GEOHALO is the first scientific mission done on the HALO aircraft. It comprises an equipment of geophysical and geodetic sensors and has been conducted between June 4th and 12th 2013 in four flights over Italy.

GFZ was involved in the GEOHALO project with the topics "GNSS-Reflectometry", "Geomagnetic Field" and "Gravimetry". Our section was responsible for the Gravimetry. It was the intention to show whether and how an efficient airborne gravity field determination is feasible in wide areas when using a fast aircraft like HALO at higher altitudes. Here, unlike “classical” airborne gravimetry for exploration, the aim is not primarily the highest spatial resolution by flying as low and slow as possible. The task is to map areas where only insufficient or no terrestrial gravity data are available to achieve a resolution which is considerably better as that of satellite-only gravity field models. This is beneficial for the generation of global gravity field models which require a uniform, high spatial resolution for the gravity data over the entire Earth. Hence, future targets for HALO will mainly be areas with bad or sparse terrestrial data and regions which are inaccessibly for terrestrial gravimetry on ground.

The figures below show first comparisons between gravity variations deduced from the HALO measurements and the global gravity field model EIGEN-6C4 which contains satellite and terrestrial gravity data. To remove the high frequency noise of the Chekan measurements and of the GNSS derived vertical kinematic accelerations a low-pass filter with a cut-off wavelength of 200 seconds has been applied. With a flight speed of 425 km/h this results in a spatial resolution of 12 km half-wavelength. This corresponds to the resolution of the model EIGEN-6C4, which can be assumed as very accurate in this area due to the good and dense gravimetrical data included. It’s clearly visible, that HALO coincides very well with EIGEN-6C4.

GGOS-SIM | Simulation of the Global Geodetic Observing System

GGOS-SIM is a joint project with the Technische Universität Berlin (TUB) that aims at providing a tool for assessing and improving the quality of the International Terrestrial Reference Frame (ITRF). For this GGOS-SIM simulates the modern space geodetic techniques DORIS, GNSS, SLR, and VLBI, and the impact of new sites, co-locations, local ties, and technical improvements.

GGOS-SIM-2 is the follow-on project aiming at simulating the space geodetic techniques co-located in space on-board one satellite in order to assess the prospects for the TRF.

The master web site of GGOS-SIM is maintained at the TUB.

GOCE | Gravity Field and Steady-State Ocean Circulation Explorer

The Earth explorer satellite GOCE (Gravity Field and Steady-State Ocean Circulation Explorer) was the first satellite mission within the framework of the Living Planet Program of ESA. This satellite mission was mapping the Earth's gravity field on global scales with a spatial resolution of approx. 100 km which is considerably more precise than all previous and current gravity satellite missions to date.

In this context, one of the most important scientific goals of the GOCE mission was the study of global ocean currents. Ocean currents cause deviations of the sea-level from its equilibrium state with respect to the Earth’s gravity field. These deviations, which are commonly known as ocean topography can amount up to two metres in height. Conclusions on the ocean circulation in association with climate changes can be drawn from knowledge on the ocean topography.

Further scientific objectives of the GOCE Mission were the determination of the structure of the Earth’s crust and the mantel convection as well as the generation of a unique precise global height reference system, which is essential for the precise monitoring of the sea-level and the understanding of its changes.

The key sensor for the gravity measurement on the GOCE satellite was a gravity gradiometer, which was flown there for the first time onboard a satellite. In order to achieve the required high measuring-precision, GOCE orbited the earth at a very low altitude of approx. 250 km. Therefore, the satellite was equipped with an Ion propulsion engine as a so-called Drag Free Control System, which compensates the non-gravitational forces on the satellite and allows practically for flight in a pure free fall around the earth. Furthermore, GOCE was equipped for the first time with a scientific GNSS-receiver made in Europe, which was used to determine the orbit position with Centimetre-accuracy.

The GFZ looks back on many years of experience in analysis of satellite-based gravity field measurements and was therefore a co-operation partner in the ‘GOCE High Level Processing Facility (GOCE-HPF)’ project. The GOCE-HPF project partners processed the GOCE measurement data on behalf of ESA. The project was managed by the Technical University of Munich. GOCE-HPF consisted of a consortium of scientific institutions from Germany, France, Denmark, Italy, Austria, Switzerland and the Netherlands.

Within GOCE-HPF, the GFZ calculated GOCE gravity field models on behalf of ESA using the so-called Direct Aproach. By 2019, six releases of such GOCE gravity field models had been published by ESA. These models are freely downloadable from the GFZ on the website of the International Centre for Global Earth Models (ICGEM).

The GFZ has a long tradition of generating high-resolution Earth gravity field models from the combination of satellite data with terrestrial gravity measurements. The calculation of such models is routinely carried out in close co-operation with the French Groupe de Recherche de Geodesie Spatiale (Toulouse) as part of the EIGEN gravity field processing (EIGEN = European Improved Gravity model of the Earth by New techniques). GFZ and GRGS publish a series of combined global gravity field models containing GOCE measurement data. The most recent model, EIGEN-6C4 (Förste et al. 2014), consists of a data set of spherical harmonic coefficients up to degree and order 2190, which corresponds to a spatial resolution of approx. 10 km. EIGEN-6C4 can be downloaded from the GFZ on the ICGEM website.

Project Partners:

  • Technical University Munich, Germany
  • University Bonn, Germany
  • Danish Technical University Kopenhagen, Denmark
  • University Bern, Switzerland
  • Centre national d’études spatiales (CNES), Toulouse, France
  • Politecnico di Milano, Italy
  • Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands
  • SRON Netherlands Institute for Space Research, Utrecht, The Netherlands
  • Graz University of Technology, Austria

 Project Duration:

  • 2004 – 2019


  • European Space Agency ESA

Project related Data Publications:

  • Förste, Christoph; Abrykosov, Oleh; Bruinsma, Sean; Dahle, Christoph; König, Rolf; Lemoine, Jean-Michel (2019): ESA’s Release 6 GOCE gravity field model by means of the direct approach based on improved filtering of the reprocessed gradients of the entire mission (GO_CONS_GCF_2_DIR_R6). GFZ Data Services.
  • Förste, Christoph; Bruinsma, Sean.L.; Abrykosov, Oleh; Lemoine, Jean-Michel; Marty, Jean Charles; Flechtner, Frank; Balmino, Georges; Barthelmes, Franz; Biancale, Richard (2014): EIGEN-6C4 The latest combined global gravity field model including GOCE data up to degree and order 2190 of GFZ Potsdam and GRGS Toulouse. GFZ Data Services.

GRACE | Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment Mission

GRACE was a joint project between the National Aeronautics and Space Administration ( NASA ) and the Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt ( DLR ). The mission has been proposed in 1996 jointly by the University of Texas at Austin, Center for Space Research ( UTCSR ), the German Research Centre for Geosciences ( GFZ ) and the Jet Propulsion Laboratories (JPL) in Pasadena. GRACE was selected in 1997 as second mission in NASA's Earth System Science Pathfinder ( ESSP ) program. As an innovation, the Principal Investigator Prof. Byron Tapley (UTCSR) and his team are ultimately responsible for developing the flight mission hardware from selection to a launch-ready condition, for accomplishing the scientific objectives and delivering the proposed measurements to the broader Earth science community and general public as expediently as possible. Co -Principal Investigator of the mission was Dr. Frank Flechtner (GFZ). Project management and systems engineering activities are carried out by JPL.

The primary science objective of the GRACE mission was to measure the Earth’s gravity field and it’s time variability with unprecedented accuracy. The increase in accuracy has been achieved by utilizing two satellites following each other on the same orbital track. To consider precise attitude and non-gravitational forces both satellites were equipped with star cameras and accelerometers. The position and velocity of the satellites were measured using onboard GPS antennae and (for validation purposes) SLR retro-reflectors. Additionally, the twin satellites were interconnected by a K-band microwave link to measure the exact separation distance and its rate of change to an accuracy of better than 0.1 µm/s. These measurements are directly coupled to the seasonal and sub-seasonal variations in the continental hydrological cycle, to ice mass loss in the large glacier systems in Greenland or Antarctica, to sea level rise, to long wavelength ocean circulation processes or to the transport of ocean heat to Earth’s poles. Thus, during more than 15 years of mission operations GRACE has essentially contributed to a better understanding of system Earth. This becomes visible, e.g. in more than 1700 publications in international peer-reviewed journals or more than 5500 registered users at the GRACE archive ISDC (Information System and Data Center). GRACE has lasted three times as long as originally planned for more than 15 years, but came to an end in October 2017 due to battery problems and running out of fuel.

The secondary science objective of the GRACE mission was to obtain about 150 very precise globally distributed vertical temperature and humidity profiles of the atmosphere per day using the GPS radio occultation technique. These profiles have been operationally (24/7) provided to various numerical weather services.


The GRACE project was promoted by the Space Agency of the German Research Center for Aeronautics and Space (DLR) with funding of the German Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology (BMWi) based on a resolution of the German Bundestag with support code 50 EE 1027.

GRACE ground segment operations were co-funded by ESA. Therefore, ESA is supporting the continuation of the measurements of mass redistribution in the Earth system.

GRACE Launch and Orbit Decay

Both GRACE satellites were launched simultaneously with a ROCKOT launch vehicle from Plesetsk/Russia on March 17, 2002. The ROCKOT launch vehicle services are provided by EUROCKOT Launch Services GmbH, a joint venture company of DaimlerChrysler Aerospace and Khrunichev State Research and Production Space Center. ROCKOT is a three-stage launch vehicle, comprising an adaption of the SS-19 for the first and second stages, and the maneuverable and re-ignitable BREEZE third stage. With a launch mass of 107 tonnes, ROCKOT can place up to 1900 kg payload into a low Earth orbit.

The GRACE orbit is almost polar (i=89.0°) and near circular (e<0.005) and started with an initial altitude of 500 km. The anticipated lifetime for scientific operations was 5 years. The near-polar orbit was chosen to get a homogeneous and global coverage of the Earth's sphere which is necessary for a precise estimate of the gravitational geopotential. The advantage of the 89.0° orbit vs. a dawn-dusk sun-synchronous orbit is the local time variation of the satellite's ground tracks which is essential for the separation of constituents of periodic phenomena like tides or day-night variations of the atmosphere. An initial altitude of 500 km was chosen (a) in order to guarantee multi-year mission duration even under severe solar activity conditions and (b) to get a good compromise between gravity field solutions, which desire an even lower altitude, and atmospheric/ionospheric applications, which in contrast would benefit from a higher altitude.

Due to atmospheric drag the altitude of the GRACE satellites decrease over the mission duration. As GRACE has been launched around the last solar activity maximum, the predicted natural decay depends on the magnitude of the actual solar activity cycle and has amounted to about 34 km (status August 2010).

During science data collection the satellites are nominally Earth oriented. For precise pointing of the two K-band ranging system antennae both satellites are pitched by about -1°. This causes drag force differences which result in along-track separation changes. Therefore regular station-keeping maneuvers are carried out (1-2 per year) to keep the two satellites at their nominal separation of 220 ± 50 km. To ensure the uniform exposure and aging of the K-band antennae the leading and the trailing satellite have been exchanged in December 2005.

GRACE Satellites

The two GRACE satellites were developed by Astrium GmbH   and Space Systems/Loral (SSL) . Astrium GmbH has build - under contract by JPL - major elements of the two flight satellites using heritage from the CHAMP mission. SSL provides the attitude control system, microwave instrument electronics and system and environmental testing.

Both satellites are completely identical and differ only in the S-band radio frequencies used for communication with the ground and in the K-band frequencies used for the inter-satellite link. The satellite design features a simple and robust structure design, mainly based on Carbon Fiber Reinforced Plastic (CFRP) sandwich panels with aluminum core and edge profiles for low thermal distortion. The outer shape of the satellite is optimized with respect to its aerodynamic behavior. This requires a symmetrical form with the center of pressure always in a single plane. Because the spacecraft center of mass is on the same level as the center of pressure, the disturbances due to air drag and solar pressure are minimized.

All electrical units, the harness, the GN2 tanks, as well as the piping to the thrusters are located on both sides of the central equipment panel. The two main solar arrays are symmetrically canted to the equipment panel with two additional solar array panels on the satellite roof. The satellite body is closed at its front and aft side by sandwich panels of the same composite as the solar array panels. The aft panel carries the occultation GPS antenna, while the front panel has the cut-out for the Ku/Ka-band horn. The nadir and zenith S-band antennae are mounted on brackets to minimize gain disturbance.

The following figure describes the physical layout of and provides a view inside the GRACE satellites.

After successful instrument integration, which has been finished in March 2000, both satellites were shipped to IABG for environmental testing.

The Attitude and Orbit Control (AOCS) System is composed of the necessary sensors, actuators, electronics, and software to provide adequate knowledge of spacecraft attitude during all phases of the mission, to generate on-board signals to accurately maintain spacecraft attitude, and to provide necessary orbital control to satisfy the GRACE mission requirements. The AOCS is comprised of the following elements:  

  • a cold gas propulsion system for attitude control and orbit change maneuvers,
  • a set of three magnetic torque rods for attitude control in support of the cold gas system,
  • interfaces to star sensors providing the inertial attitude,
  • interfaces to a GPS receiver that will provide on-board orbital position,
  • a course Earth -sun sensor to provide attitude measurements with respect to Earth and sun,
  • a three-axis Inertial Reference Unit used to measure angular rates,
  • a three-axis magnetometer mounted in the S-band antenna boom and
  • the AOCS flight software.

The GRACE Payload

The key science instrument for GRACE is the JPL K-Band Ranging (KBR) Instrument Assembly. Its components include the Ultra Stable Oscillator (USO), the microwave assembly, the horn, and the Instruments Processing Unit (IPU). The JHU/APL USO serves as the frequency reference. The microwave assembly is used for up-converting the reference frequency to 24 and 32 GHz; down-converting the received phase from the other satellite; and for amplifying and mixing the received and the reference carrier phase. The horn is used to transmit and receive the carrier phase between the satellites. The IPU is used for sampling and digital signal processing of not only the K-Band carrier phase signal, but also the signals received by the GPS antenna and the star cameras. Each satellite transmits carrier phase to the other at two frequencies, allowing for ionospheric corrections. The transmit and receive frequencies are offset from each other by 0.5 MHz in the 24 GHz channel, and by 0.67 MHz in the 32 GHz channel. This shifts the down-converted signal away from DC, enabling more accurate measurements of the phase. The 10 Hz samples of phase change at the two frequencies are down-linked to the ground from each satellite, where the appropriately decimated linear combination of the sum of the phase measurements at each frequency gives an ionosphere-corrected measurement of the range change between the satellites.

The non-gravitational accelerations acting on the satellite are measured using the ONERA SuperSTAR Accelerometer (ACC), mounted at the CG of each satellite. The ACC consists of a sensor unit (SU), electromagnetic exciting unit (EEU), an interface control unit (ICU) and a harness. The SU consists of a metallic proof mass, suspended inside an electrode cage of gold-coated silica. The proof mass motion is servo controlled using capacitive sensors, and is a measure of the non-gravitational accelerations acting on the satellite. The mass and electrode cage core is enclosed by a sole plate and housing in which vacuum is maintained using a getter. The SU vacuum unit is surrounded by analog electronics. The EEU is used to deliver a 10 mg acceleration, and is used only in case of an SU start-up problem. The ICU supplies power to the SU and EEU, and operates the accelerometer through a micro-controller board.

The orientation of the satellite is sensed using two DTU Star Camera Assemblies (SCA), with a field of view of 18° by 16°. These are rigidly attached to the accelerometer, and view the sky at 45° angle with respect to the zenith, on the port and starboard sides.

The GPS signals for navigation and occultation applications are received using three antennas and the JPL Black Jack GPS Receiver. The main zenith crossed dipole antenna is used to collect the navigation data. In addition, a backup crossed dipole antenna and one helix antenna on the aft panel are used for back-up navigation and atmospheric occultation data collection, respectively. This system is capable of simultaneously tracking up to 24 dual frequency signals. In addition, this system provides digital signal processing functions for the KBR and SCA instruments as well.

The Laser Corner-Cube Retro-Reflector (LRR) has been provided by the German Research Centre for Geosciences (GFZ) and is mounted on the bottom side of the spacecraft to permit the orbit verification activities from the terrestrial Laser tracking network.

GRACE Mission Operations

Gravity Field Results

Time-variable gravity field models on monthly and weekly basis

GFZ’s monthly and weekly time-variable GRACE gravity field models are freely distributed in the form of GRACE Level-2 products, i.e. as sets of spherical harmonic coefficients representing the Earth’s potential field for a dedicated time-period. Different time-series for different releases (along with helpful documentation) are available at the two GRACE archives ISDC and PODAAC. Here you can also find the monthly GRACE SDS newsletter which provides an up to date status of available Level-1 and Level-2 products of the GRACE Science Data System.

Monthly time-series of gravity field models are available for releases 01 till 05. Detailed information about the current release (GFZ RL05) can be found here.

Weekly time-series of gravity field models are derived by solving subsets (aligned to GPS weeks) of the monthly normal equation systems. They offer an increased resolution in time at the expense of decreased resolution in space. Weekly models are only available for releases 04 and 05 and can be downloaded from the ISDC archive.

Static gravity field models

Additionally, GFZ – in cooperation with GRGS – derives static, i.e. long-term mean, satellite-only (from combination of GOCE, GRACE, CHAMP and/or LAGEOS tracking data) as well as combined (with terrestrial gravity data) so-called EIGEN (European Improved Gravity model of the Earth by New techniques) gravity field models. A list of available EIGEN models is given below. All of these models can be downloaded from the ICGEM data base at GFZ.

  • Combined gravity field model EIGEN-6C2 complete to degree and order 1949 from GOCE, GRACE, LAGEOS and surface gravity data, released on December 10, 2012.
  • Satellite-only gravity field model GO_CONS_GCF_2_DIR_R3 complete to degree and order 240 from GOCE, GRACE and LAGEOS data. This model is release 3 of the official ESA GOCE model by means of the Direct Approach and was computed by GFZ and GRGS behalf of ESA within the framework of the GOCE High Level Processing Facility (GOCE-HPF).
  • Combined gravity field model EIGEN-6C complete to degree and order 1420 from GOCE, GRACE, LAGEOS and surface gravity data, released on June 27, 2011.
  • Satellite-only gravity field model EIGEN-6S complete to degree and order 240 from GOCE, GRACE and LAGEOS data, released on June 27, 2011.
  • Combined gravity field model EIGEN-51C complete to degree and order 359 from GRACE, CHAMP and surface gravity data, released on June 22, 2010.
  • Combined gravity field model EIGEN-5C complete to degree and order 360 from GRACE, LAGEOS and surface gravity data, released on September 29, 2008.
  • Satellite-only gravity field model EIGEN-5S complete to degree and order 150 from GRACE and LAGEOS data, released on September 29, 2008.
  • Satellite-only gravity field model EIGEN-GL04S1 complete to degree and order 150 from GRACE and LAGEOS data, released May 24, 2006.
  • Combined gravity field model EIGEN-GL04C complete to degree and order 360 from GRACE, LAGEOS and surface gravity data, released on March 31, 2006.
  • Combined gravity field model EIGEN-CG03C complete to degree and order 360 from CHAMP, GRACE and surface gravity data, released on May 12, 2005.
  • Combined gravity field model EIGEN-CG01C complete to degree and order 360 from CHAMP, GRACE and surface gravity data, released on October 29, 2004.
  • GRACE gravity field model EIGEN-GRACE02S complete to degree and order 150 released on February 13, 2004 to the GRACE Science Team and August 9, 2004 to the public.
  • First GFZ GRACE gravity field model EIGEN-GRACE01S complete to degree and order 140 released on July 25, 2003.

Links to gravity field results of other processing centers or additional help for visualization procedures or software tools for gravity field coefficients manipulation and transformation can be found here.


The GFZ RL05 time-series is being released since March 17, 2012 and has replaced its precursor RL04 after the monthly solution for April 2012. At the time of writing (May 2013), GFZ RL05 solutions cover the time span from January 2003 till February 2013, including 117 monthly models and 494 weekly models, respectively. For the following months no models are available due to missing or anomalous L1B data: June 2003, January 2011, June 2011, May 2012, October 2012 and March 2013.

There have been no changes in information content compared to RL04, i.e. the RL05 models contain gravitational variations caused by hydrology, cryosphere, episodic events such as large earthquakes, glacial isostatic adjustment (GIA) and errors or unmodelled effects of the applied background models. A major difference w.r.t. RL04 is the fact that no rates for the spherical harmonic coefficients C20, C30, C40, C21 and S21 are included anymore, so users do not have to take care of applying any rates before analyzing the RL05 time-series (the reference epoch of each solution is the middle of the data span which has been used).  The maximum degree and order of the RL05 models has been reduced to 90x90 (RL04: 120x120).

For some dedicated months suffering from sparse ground track coverage caused by short-interval repeat orbit patterns (e.g. 4d-repeat peaked in 09/2004, 3d-repeat peaked in 05/2012), the solutions  are stabilized by applying a modified version of the regularization method used for previous releases, which is based on Kaula’s power law (Bettadpur, S (2004), GRACE Mission Status and Gravity Field Product Improvement Plans, Eos Trans. AGU, 85(47), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract G23A-01).

Compared to RL04, the current RL05 time-series shows improvements of about a factor of 2 in terms of noise reduction (i.e. less pronounced typical GRACE striping artefacts) and spatial resolution. The latter is displayed in the figure below, where cumulated degree variances of the models’ calibrated errors are shown. The level of mm-geoid accuracy has been improved from ~525km (RL04) to ~350km (RL05).

More details on RL05 can be found in the GFZ GRACE Level-2 Processing Standards Document for Level-2 Product Release 0005 or in the Release Notes for GFZ GRACE Level-2 Products - version RL05.

If any results based on the GFZ RL05 time series are published, users are kindly requested to cite the following reference:

Dahle, Christoph; Flechtner, Frank; Gruber, Christian; König, Daniel; König, Rolf; Michalak, Grzegorz; Neumayer, Karl-Hans (2012): GFZ GRACE Level-2 Processing Standards Document for Level-2 Product Release 0005, (Scientific Technical Report STR12/02 – Data, Revised Edition, January 2013), Potsdam, 21 p. DOI: 10.2312/GFZ.b103-1202-25

GRACE Products

The GRACE Level-0 to Level-2 products are processed and archived in a shared Science Data System (SDS) between the Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL), the University of Texas Center for Space Research (UTCSR) and the German Research Centre for Geosciences (GFZ).

All SDS Level-0 to Level-2 products are archived at JPL's Physical Oceanography Distributed Active Data Center (PODAAC) and at GFZ's Integrated System and Data Center (ISDC) where also useful documentation such as the GRACE Product Specification Document, the GRACE Level-1B Data Product User Handbook or the GRACE Level-2 Release Notes can be downloaded. Both archives are harmonized on a routine basis.

The Level-0 to Level-2 products are defined as follows:


The Level-0 data are the result of the data reception, collection and decommutation by the Raw Data Center (RDC) of the Mission Operation System (MOS) located in Neustrelitz/Germany. Using its Weilheim (WHM) and Neustrelitz (NST) tracking antennas, the MOS receives the science instrument and housekeeping data twice per day from each GRACE satellite which are stored in two appropriate files in the Level-0 rolling archive of the RDC. The SDS regularly retrieves these files and extracts and reformats the corresponding instrument and ancillary housekeeping data. Additionally, primarily for operational radio occultation data analysis, the raw data are also received during every pass at the GFZ polar Satellite Receiving Station (SRS) in Ny Alesund (NYA) and forwarded to GFZ in Potsdam.


The Level-1A data products are the result of a non-destructive processing applied to the Level-0 data. The sensor calibration factors are applied in order to convert the binary encoded measurements to engineering units. Where necessary, time tag integer second ambiguity is resolved and data are time tagged to the respective satellite receiver clock time. Editing and quality control flags are added, and the data is reformatted for further processing. The Level-1A data are reversible to Level-0, except for the bad data packets. This level also includes the ancillary data products needed for processing to the next data level.

The Level-1B data products are the result of a possibly destructive, or irreversible, processing applied to both the Level-1A and Level-0 data. The data are correctly time-tagged, and the data sample rate is reduced from the higher rates of the previous levels.

Collectively, the processing from Level-0 to Level-1B is called the Level-1 Processing. This level also includes the ancillary data products generated during this processing and the additional data needed for further processing (such as the Level-1B Atmosphere and Ocean De-aliasing Product (AOD1B).

Level-1 instrument data processing software is developed and operated by JPL.


Level-2 data include the short term (monthly and weekly) and static gravity field derived from calibrated and validated GRACE Level-1B data products. This level also includes ancillary data sets (e.g. mean atmospheric and oceanic mass variations) which are necessary to interpret time variability in gravity field solutions. The Level-2 processing software has been developed independently by all three processing centers. Routine processing is done at UTCSR and GFZ, while JPL is generating Level-2 products for verification purposes.

For alternative GRACE products (outside the SDS) please go to the “Links” page.

The links below lead to a compilation of GRACE and GRACE-FO related publications (no abstracts). 

This list is periodically updated, but may be incomplete. If you are missing a reference please contact Prof. Dr. Frank Flechtner or Dr. Volker Klemann.

GRACE Systems

The GRACE Project was divided into five systems. Each of the five systems is shortly described in the following paragraphs.

Launch Vehicle System (LVS)

The LVS included the ROCKOT launch vehicle, a multi-satellite dispenser, and the personnel, test equipment and facilities for preparation, integration and launch of the satellites. The LVS was managed by the DLR LVS Manager and supported by JPL and its contractors. GRACE was launched on March 17, 2002. Read more about GRACE Launch.

Satellite System (SAT)

JPL led the development of the satellite system in partnership with Space Systems/Loral (SS/L) and Astrium GmbH (Astrium). Astrium provided major elements of two flight satellites based on an existing small satellite designed for the CHAMP mission. SS/L provided the attitude control system, microwave instrument electronics and system and environmental testing. Read more about "GRACE Satellites.

Science Instrument System (SIS)

The SIS included all elements of the inter-satellite ranging system, the GPS receivers required for precise orbit determination and radio occultation experiments, and associated sensors such as the two star cameras. Within the SIS also necessary integration activities of all sensors were coordinated, assuring their compatibility with each other and the satellites. Read more about "GRACE Payload".

Mission Operations System (MOS)

The MOS consisted of facilities and resources of the German Space Operations Center (GSOC) in Oberpfaffenhofen, tracking antennas at Weilheim and Neustrelitz, and other stations and facilities needed for supporting LEOP (Launch and Early Mission Operation) and contingency operations. These facilities were used to monitor and control the satellites and instruments, perform initial processing of the telemetry data, and delivered all these data to the Science Data System for further processing and generation of science products. In addition to real-time operations, the MOS function provided the Central Checkout System for ground testing using command and data interfaces. Read more about “GRACE Operations”.

Science Data System (SDS)

The SDS functions included science data processing, distribution, archiving and product verification. The SDS was a distributed entity managed in a cooperative approach by JPL (Jet Propulsion Laboratory) and UTCSR (University of Texas, Center of Space Research) in the US and GFZ in Germany. The cooperative approach included sharing of processing tasks, harmonization of product archives and validation/comparison of products. Data and products to be processed and archived by the SDS included, e.g., corrected inter-satellite range and accelerometer measurements, GPS orbit and occultation data, or gravity field products. The SDS also received, processed and archived ancillary data (e.g. meteorological fields) necessary for data processing and verification. Further information is provided on other pages such as "Products" or "Gravity Field Results".

GRACE Ground Tracks

Based on the predicted orbit for GRACE-A the ground track over Europe is plotted (at 5s spacing) for each month of the GRACE mission to illustrate the ground track coverage. One should note that the actual coverage used for gravity recovery can differ significantly due to larger data gaps in the science instrument data occuring in the particular month. In this way the displayed plots give the "optimum" coverage possible.

GRACE Ground Tracks Plots Europe 2017

GRACE Ground Tracks Plots Europe 2016

GRACE Ground Tracks Plots Europe 2015 

GRACE Ground Tracks Plots Europe 2014

GRACE Ground Tracks Plots Europe 2013

GRACE Ground Tracks Plots Europe 2012

GRACE Ground Tracks Plots Europe 2011

GRACE Ground Tracks Plots Europe 2010

GRACE Ground Tracks Plots Europe 2009

GRACE Ground Tracks Plots Europe 2008

GRACE Ground Tracks Plots Europe 2007

GRACE Ground Tracks Plots Europe 2006

GRACE Ground Tracks Plots Europe 2005

GRACE Ground Tracks Plots Europe 2004

GRACE Ground Tracks Plots Europe 2003

GRACE Ground Tracks Plots Europe 2002

GRACE/GRACE-FO Science Team Meetings

GRACE/GRACE-FO Science Team Meetings take place on an annual basis alternately at CSR in Austin and at GFZ in Potsdam.

Here you find informations about the passed meetings:

PRARE | Precise Range And Range-Rate Equipment

The PRARE-system (Precise Range And Range-Rate Equipment) was developed in Germany in the eighties to measure distances and relative velocities between special PRARE ground stations and PRARE space segments on various satellites. By means of these measurements it is possible to determine the satellites orbits and coordinates of the PRARE ground stations very precisely. The PRARE measurement principle (determination of signal travel times and frequency Doppler shifting) is basically very similar to those of the US GPS-system or the French DORIS-system. Compared with GPS and DORIS, PRARE allows, being designed as a two frequency two way system, a more direct monitoring of parameters being relevant for the system accuracy (e.g., clock parameters and system-internal signal travel times).

A globally distributes network of PRARE ground stations (development at DORNIER, resp. ND-Satcom) was installed and operated on behalf of ESA (European Space Agency), tracking the satellites ERS-1 (1991), Meteor 3-7 (1994-1995) and ERS-2 (1995-2007) (space segments by Timetech resp. Kayser Threde). After the foundation of the GFZ and direction of department 1 by Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Reigber (formerly Deutsches Geodätisches Forschungsinstitut, DGFI), it was GFZ Section 1.2 being responsible for the system operation and PRARE product provision since 1992 (formerly DGFI). The operation of the PRARE-system was ceased in January 2007, mainly due to ground station aging and cost reasons (no funding since 2004).

Project Partners:

  • ESA (European Space Agency)
  • DARA (German Agency for Space Affairs, now German Space Agency at DLR (German Aerospace Center))
  • TimeTech GmbH, Stuttgart, Germany
  • Agenzia Spaziale Italiana (ASI), Matera, Italia
  • Alfred-Wegener-Institute (AWI), Bremerhaven, Germany
  • Astronomical Observatory Kitab (AOK), Kitab, Uzbekistan
  • Astronomical Observatory La Plata (AOLP), La Plata, Argentina
  • Center for Space Research (CSR), Austin, Texas, USA
  • Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR), Pretoria, South Africa
  • Delft Technical University (DUT), Delft, Netherlands
  • Institute for Applied Geodesy (IfAG), Leipzig and Wettzell, since 6.8.1997 BKG, Germany
  • Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO), Bangalore, India
  • Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL), Pasadena, California, USA
  • Laboratoire de Géologie-Géophysique de Nouméa (ORSTOM, IRD), New Caledonia
  • National Institute of Aeronautics and Space (LAPAN), Jakarta, Indonesia
  • Nippon Institute of Polar Research (NIPR), Tokio, Japan
  • Proudman Oceanographic Laboratory (POL), Birkenhead, UK
  • Research Center of Astronomy and Geophysics (AGRC), Ulaan Baatar, Mongolia
  • Shanghai Observatory (SAOB), Shanghai, China
  • Statens Kartverk (SK), Honefoss, Norway
  • University of Copenhagen (UC), Kopenhagen, Denmark

Project Duration:

  • GFZ: 1993 - 2007
    (before DGFI: 1988 - 1992)


  • German Agency for Space Affairs (DARA)
    Support codes: 50 EE 9305, 50 EE 9539 and 50 EE 9904


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