GFZ German research centre for geo sciences


Horizon 2020 Research Infrastructures "Electron and X-ray microscopy Community for structural and chemical Imaging Techniques for Earth materials (EXCITE)"

This project brings together 15 leading institutions across Europe that develop and use electron and X-ray imaging techniques for Earth science applications.

For more detailed information on the project, please see the official EXCITE website.

Project Details

Project period: 2021-2028

Funding: Horizon 2020 Research Infrastructures (Grant no. 101005611; 2021-2024) and (Grant no. 101131765; 2024-2028)

Link: EXCITE on EU's CORDIS database

EXCITE2 on EU's CORDIS database

Recent Publications

(authors from the group in bold)

Hyde, W. R., Kenny, G. G., Whitehouse, M. J., Wirth, R.Roddatis, V.Schreiber, A., Garde, A. A., Plan, A., Larsen, N. K. (2024): Microstructural and isotopic analysis of shocked monazite from the Hiawatha impact structure: development of porosity and its utility in dating impact craters. - Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology, 179, 28.

Plachciak, M., Grandia, F., Roddatis, V.Syczewski, M. D. (2023): Characterization of Waste from the Dicalcium Phosphate Industry as a Potential Secondary Source of Rare Earth Elements. - Materials Proceedings, 15, 1, 34.

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