GFZ German research centre for geo sciences

The volcanic structures of the maar Mýtina / the scoria cone Železná hůrka and the active magmatic CO2-degassing zone Milhostov - Hartoušov in the Western Eger Rift (Czech Republic)

The Pleistocene volcano structures of the maar Mýtina respectively the scoria cone Železná hůrka and the active magmatic CO2 degassing zone Milhostov - Hartoušov are located at the intersection of NW-SE and N-S running fault zones of the western Eger (Ohře) Rift. These structures are part of a natural laboratory, which is unique throughout Central and Western Europe, as the region is affected by the occurrence of earthquake swarms, driven by magmatic intrusion processes.
By investigating the differences as well as the similarities between the two areas, we expect to learn more about the palaeo-volanic processes around the structures and infer the potential volcanic hazard, emanating from the magmatic process about 20 km north of the maar. A combination of geophysical methods (geoelectrics, geomagnetics, gravimetry), surface mapping - focusing on the geological and volcanological aspects, CO2-soil gas and gasflux measurements and the interpretation of remote sensing data is used to create an overall view on the topic.


  1. Space-time reconstruction of the maar Mýtina / the scoria cone Želesná hurka and maybe further, yet unknown volcanic structures in the nearby area and the derivation of the palaeovolcanic scenario
  2. Tectonic impact and geologic composition of the CO2 degassing zone Milhostov – Hartoušov and the assumed vents
  3. Comparison and Interpretation, focusing on possible future phreatomagmatic eruptions within the area of investigation


  • Dr. H. Kämpf
  • T. Nickschick


  • C. Flechsig (Universität Leipzig, Institut für Geophysik and Geologie) 
  • J. Heinicke (Universität Leipzig, Institut für Geophysik and Geologie) 
  • J. Mrlina (Institut für Geophysik, Prag, Tschechische Akademie der Wissenschaften)


  • DFG
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