LauMon - Monitoring of landscapes and biodiversity utilizing drone and satellite data in the model region Lausitz

Funding by: Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF)
Funding ID: 03WIR3020C
Project executing or management agency: Project Management Jülich on behalf of the BMBF
Funding period: 01.01.2023 - 31.12.2025
Project partner: Beak Consultants GmbH I Helmholtz Zentrum Potsdam - GFZ Deutsches GeoForschungsZentrum I Leibniz-Zentrum für Agrarlandschaftsforschung e. V.


Within the WIR! funding program, the initiative "Land-Innovation-Lausitz" stands for the development of the region Lausitz towards a model for sustainable adaptation of land use practice to climate change through innovative technologies along the bioeconomic value chain. In LauMon, an area-wide, remote sensing-based monitoring system at the level of the cultural landscape of Lausitz will be developed. It is building an area-wide data basis for the optimization and stabilization of innovative technologies and adapted land management practice that is developed by the Land-Innovation-Lausitz alliance. LauMon provides recorded image timeseries and derived products to identify interactions between abiotic (climate, soil, water balance) and biotic (vegetation, species, habitats) components as well to delineate different management measures of a landscape that in many respects is far from a stable equilibrium. Monitoring focuses on the visualization and quantification of transformation processes, for example through soil interventions (application of artificial soil aggregates to improve soil quality), through the combination of sustainable energy production with climate-adapted crop production (integrative AgriPV systems), through changed land use regimes (climate-resilient cultivation, e.g. in agroforestry systems) or through climate-adapted development of nature conservation areas (forest-wilderness strategy).

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