Natural hazards and risks in a changing world (NatRiskChange)

Funding:  DFG - German Research Foundation
Status: current

The Research Training Group (RTG) „NatRiskChange“ funded by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) aims at developing quantitative methods for an improved hazard and risk analysis. The RTG involves PhD students and scientists based at the Potsdam University, GFZ Potsdam, Free University Berlin and Technical University Berlin. Research focuses at the transient, nonstationary nature of hazards and risks in response to changing natural and anthropogenic conditions characterizing the system Earth. Key scientific aims are the development and testing of pilot application studies on the identification, quantification and prediction of transient natural hazards and associated risks. The 12 PhD projects and one Postdoc project forming the RTG are grouped into the three work packages Identification (I), Quantification (Q) and Prediction (P) of hazard and risk related changes. The first cohort of PhD students has started in 2015, the second one in 2018.

The Remote Sensing Section of the GFZ has been involved in the following three PhD projects:

1. Cohort

I4: Changing risk from glacial lake outburst floods

P4: Assessment of early-warning signals and tipping points of sudden ecosystem shifts causing rapid land degradation in drylands

2. Cohort

Q8: Evolving risks from Himalayan glacial lake outburst floods

Project Website


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