Visual exploration of categorical states in lake sediment cores
Geoarchives are an important source to understand the interplay of climate and landscape developments in the past. One important example are sediment cores from the ground of lakes. The tailored combination of visual and automated methods supports geoscientists in deriving hypotheses about climate and environmental conditions in the past and their temporal extent.
Video: Visual exploration of categorical states in lake sediment cores (mp4)
Publication: Unger, A., Dräger, N., Sips, M., Lehmann, D. J. (2017 online): Understanding a sequence of sequences: Visual exploration of categorical states in lake sediment cores. - IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics.
Softwarepublication: Unger, Andrea; Rabe, Daniela; Eggert, Daniel; Dransch, Doris (2018): Microfacies-Explorer: Visual Exploration of Categorical States in Lake Sediment Cores. V. 1.0.0. GFZ Data Services.
In cooperation with GFZ Section 5.2: Climate Dynamics and Landscape Evolution, Otto-von-Guericke-University Magdeburg