Section 2.4: Seismology

[Translate to English:] Global scattering

Complex Seismic Wavefields

We study the stochastic part of the seismic wavefield that is generated by wave scattering and ambient sources of seismic waves to derive information about the distribution and statistical properties of small scale heterogeneity and temporal changes of elastic properties in the subsurface.


Lithosphere scale imaging with seismic waves

We study the Earth’s dynamic processes on a lithospheric scale, including plate tectonics and mantle dynamics with seismological methods such as seismic tomography, receiver function, shear wave splitting analysis and more recently full waveform inversions.


Seismicity and Large event analysis

Large earthquake rupture initiation and propagation are thought to be controlled by the state-of-stress, structural heterogeneity, and the possibly time-variant frictional properties of fault interfaces which depend on temperature, availability of fluids and damage effects. To advance understanding of the interplay of these factors we are carrying out detailed studies of the rupture evolution of large earthquakes, and we study aftershock sequences and background seismic activity.

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