GFZ German research centre for geo sciences

Water Stress Monitoring using GNSS Reflected Signals (Warm-Green)

Climate change is intensifying the frequency and severity of wildfires, posing a significant threat to forests worldwide. The Warm-Green project is funded as a DAAD PRIME Fellowship for Milad Asgarimehr in cooperation with Technische Universität Berlin, Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya, Barcelona, Spain, and Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA.  This international project aims to revolutionize our understanding of vegetation water stress through the innovative use of GNSS Reflectometry (GNSS-R). By analyzing signals reflected from Earth's surface, this project seeks to monitor geophysical properties and study hydrological processes in vegetation, particularly under water deficit conditions.

The primary goal of the Warm-Green project is to investigate how GNSS-R can detect water stress and enhance our understanding of plant hydraulics. This involves two key objectives: technical characterization of GNSS-R's ability to detect diurnal cycles in vegetation water content (VWC) and exploring the response of these diurnal cycles to vegetation water stress. Leveraging GNSS-R datasets with high spatial and temporal resolution, such as those from NASA Cyclone (CYGNSS), the project will generate diurnal cycles of VWC.


Warm-Green's innovative approach promises significant advancements in both GNSS-R technology and ecological research. The future hydrological GNSS-R projects, such as ESA HydroGNSS mission, will directly benefit from the outcomes of this research. By addressing critical gaps in monitoring water stress and diurnal cycles, the project enhances climate change impact modeling and ecosystem management, paving the way for more effective mitigation strategies.


Asgarimehr, M., Entekhabi, D., & Camps, A. (2024). Diurnal Vegetation Moisture Cycle in the Amazon and Response to Water Stress. Geophysical research letters, under review.

Asgarimehr, M., Wickert, J., Camps, A., & Entekhabi, D. (2024). Diurnal Vegetation Moisture Dynamics and Water Stress: Insights from GNSS Reflectometry-Derived Vegetation Water Content (No. EGU24-15823). Copernicus Meetings.

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