Dr. Ina Neugebauer

Function and Responsibilities:
EU-Consultant Projects and International Affairs
- Since 08/20 Consultant at GFZ Projects and International Affairs
- 01/20-07/20 Postdoc at GFZ Potsdam, DFG-Eigene Stelle Project TEPH-ME
- 12/18-12/19 Postdoc at GFZ Potsdam, financed by DFG and GFZ
- 06/18-11/18 Postdoc (Visiting Scholar) at University of Cambridge, Department of Geography (host: Prof. Christine Lane), Postdoc grant from German Academic Exchange Service DAAD
- 06/16-05/18 Postdoc at University of Geneva, Department of Earth Sciences (host: Prof. Daniel Ariztegui), Horizon 2020 Marie Skłodowska-Curie Individual Fellowship project “IRONLAKE”
- 05/15-05/16 Research Associate at GFZ Potsdam, DFG-financed project “CLEAR – Holocene Climatic Events of Northern Arabia”
- 12/14-05/15 Guest Scientist at GFZ Potsdam within the ICDP (International Continental Drilling Program) Dead Sea Deep Drilling Project
- 09/10-12/14 PhD Student at GFZ Potsdam, financed by German Science Foundation within the ICDP Dead Sea Deep Drilling Project
- 03/09-09/10 Student Assistant at GFZ Potsdam
09/10-10/15 PhD in Geology, University of Potsdam, Institute for Earth and Environmental Sciences and GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences Potsdam, Section 5.2 – Climate Dynamics and Landscape Evolution, PhD thesis: “Reconstructing climate from the Dead Sea sediment record using high-resolution micro-facies analyses”
10/03-08/10 Diploma (Master-equivalent) in Geography (major), Hydrology and Meteorology, Technical University of Dresden, Faculty of Environmental Sciences, Diploma thesis: “Micro-facies and geochemical investigations of laminated lateglacial lake sediments from Rehwiese/Berlin“
- ICDP Dead Sea Deep Drilling Project (DSDDP)
- CLEAR - Holocene climatic events in northern Arabia
- PALEX - Paleoclimate Research in the Middle East
- TEPH-ME - Cryptotephrochronology in the Eastern Mediterranean
- 2019 DFG Research Grant for project "TEPH-ME"
- 2018 Postdoc Fellowship German Academic Exchange Service DAAD
- 2017 Early-Career Scientist Poster Award, Int. Meeting of Sedimentology Toulouse
- 2016 Friedrich- Robert-Helmert Prize for best PhD thesis of the GFZ 2015 by FFGFZ e.V.
- 2016 Marie Skłodowska-Curie Individual Fellowship for project “IRONLAKE” at the University of Geneva
- 2015 IAS Student Travel Grant to participate at the EGU General Assembly, Vienna
- 2013 Adrian Gill Travel Award to participate at the EGU General Assembly, Vienna