At the 11th Imaging Spectroscopy Workshop in Brno, Czech Republic, the PhD students Friederike Körting and Friederike Klos from GFZ section Remote Sensing and Geoinformatics were awarded three prizes for their poster presentations. The workshop on hyperspectral remote sensing took place from 6 to 8 February and is organized every two years by the Special Interest Group on Imaging Spectroscopy of the European Association of Remote Sensing Laboratories EARSeL.
Friederike Klos was awarded third place for the best Young Scientist poster presentation by the EARSeL SIG IS scientific committee for her poster 'Hyperspectral Lithium-Pegmatite Detection - A Case Study for Hoydalen, Norway' and second place for the best poster audience award. Friederike Körting won first place for the best audience poster award. Her poster is titled 'Proximal Hyperspectral Outcrop Scanning – A Geologicial Use Case Study'. (ak)