GFZ German research centre for geo sciences
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Group photo in meeting room

Eight partner institutions, including the GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences and the Fraunhofer IEG, conclude a cooperation agreement to promote a low-CO2 and import-independent energy supply.

Swarm satellites in Earth orbit

The satellite trio still provides high-quality data of the Earth's magnetic field – processed by the GFZ, among others, also for the prediction of space weather and auroras.

Portrait photo of a friendly smiling woman with long dark hair and dark glasses. A fountain in the background.

Sanja Panovska won the 1.500 euros EGU Outreach Prize 2023 to realize a booklet for kids with games and puzzles about different geoscience fields. In an interview she gives insights into the project.

Poster exhibition at the Brandenburg Hydrogen Day at the GFZ, some participants in the foreground

The German Research Centre for Geosciences and the Brandenburg Ministry of Economic Affairs and Energy are organising the Brandenburg Hydrogen Day for the first time today.

Group picture of the participants

As part of the CAWa-Green project, the 6th edition of the “Tashkent Water Security Lectures” took place in Uzbekistan at the end of October – on the topic of water security in Central Asia

[Translate to English:] Hörsaal

The Autumn School will take place for the 21st time on 13 and 14 November - with over 70 participants. The title of this year's teacher training programme: "Africa - A continent in the focus of geosci

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