Mrityunjay Singh and Ingo Sass were honored for their outstanding publication on the optimal planning of geothermal systems.
Jürgen Matzka, working group leader in the Geomagnetism Section, is new Chair of the Operations Committee and member of the Executive Council of the global network of geomagnetic field observatories.
Hypothetical but not improbable flood scenarios are intended to motivate people and decision-makers in at-risk regions to better prepare for potential extreme events.
On 25 March, a shallow earthquake with a magnitude of 3.5 shook the district of Diepholz in Lower Saxony. The possible cause is natural gas extraction in the region.
The GFZ welcomes Dr. Sarwar Nizam, who is working as a fellow of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation at GFZ since March.
GRACE-FO data show: Slight recovery compared to drought years, but billions of tonnes of water still missing. New GFZ info portal for background, news & data of the GRACE-FO satellite mission.
The third-generation of the successful satellite duo will continue to measure the Earth's gravitational field and thus provide unique insights into the global water cycle.
Flank collapses on coastal areas and volcanoes can trigger so-called atypical tsunamis. Thanks to the "Tsunami_Risk" project, such hazards are taken into account in the Indonesian early warning system
A study in Science on the erosion dependence of the CO₂ balance during weathering showed that there is an erosion rate at which CO₂ storage through weathering is maximised.
She learned about topics such as geothermal energy, the geological storage of hydrogen, the GFZ satellite missions, earthquake risk, the use of data cables for seismics and the GFZ spin-off DiGOS.