GFZ German research centre for geo sciences

GFZ honors researchers for their ERC grants

State Secretary Dünow from the MWFK congratulates: “The GFZ provides forward-looking impetus for international geological, environmental and climate research”

The GFZ has honored its researchers who have received funding from the European Research Council with a ceremony. The European Research Council (ERC) grants are awarded in a highly competitive process and serve to fund particularly innovative projects over several years. At the GFZ, thirteen researchers at different career stages are currently leading an ERC grant-funded project. Almost all of them applied for funding from the GFZ, and two brought their grants with them.

Susanne Buiter, Scientific Director of the GFZ, says: “This high number shows not only how excellent our researchers are, but also how well the grants fit the GFZ and how well the GFZ fits the grants.” The awards increased both the reputation of the individual researchers and the visibility of the center as a whole.

Tobias Dünow, State Secretary in the Ministry of Science, Research and Culture of the State of Brandenburg, said: “Whether it's the ICDP continental drilling program or the GRACE satellite mission, the GFZ on Brandenburg's smartest mountain has been providing forward-looking, indispensable impetus for international geological, environmental and climate research for years. It is amazing to see the success with which the GFZ regularly applies for the coveted grants of the European Research Council. This makes us extremely happy - and proud. This success is important: for Brandenburg, of course, but also for science as a whole and for our future.”

The European Research Council (ERC) awards funding to individual researchers or research teams at different career stages and for different purposes. There are “Starting Grants” for young researchers, “Consolidator Grants” for mid-career researchers and “Advanced Grants” for experienced researchers. A combination of several Advanced Grants for a joint project is also possible (“Synergy Grant”). There are also “Proof of Concept Grants” to bring a specific project idea to commercialization.

Thirteen ERC grant projects are currently running at the GFZ: four Synergy Grants, one Advanced Grant, five Consolidator Grants and three Starting Grants.

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