Personalia | Benedikt Soja is decorated with the Ring of Honor of the Republic of Austria

Benedikt Soja, a former PhD student of the GFZ section Space Geodetic Techniques, now NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory Pasadena, California/USA, is today decorated with the Ring of Honor of the Republic of Austria.

16.05.2017: Benedikt Soja, a former PhD student of the <link sektion geodaetische-weltraumverfahren>GFZ section Space Geodetic Techniques, now NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory Pasadena, California/USA, is today decorated with the Ring of Honor of the Republic of Austria.

The Ring of Honor is awarded by the President of the Republic of Austria Alexander van der Bellen for a Sub auspiciis graduation, to appreciate best performances in scholar education and university studies. It is the highest possible award of the Republic of Austria in this field.

From 2013 to 2016 Benedikt Soja was as a Phd student at the GFZ and received his doctor’s degree in 2016 by the TU Vienna on the topic of „Application of Kalman Filtering in VLBI Data Analysis“. The application of this kind of filter improves the precision of geodetic measurements and thereby for example information on changes in sea level. (ak)

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