GFZ German research centre for geo sciences

Personalia | Kate Maher from Stanford University appointed as next Helmholtz International Fellow to GFZ Potsdam

Kate Maher from Stanford University appointed as next Helmholtz International Fellow to GFZ Potsdam.

In the second round of this year’s nominations, Kate Maher, Associate Professor at the Department of Earth System Sciences at Stanford University was nominated by GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences and Forschungszentrum Jülich as a Helmholtz International Fellow.

Kate Maher researches the Earth’s carbon cycle from different perspectives, from the history of atmospheric carbon dioxide and its impact on the evolution of life to strategies for sequestering carbon today. She accepted the nomination and will become GFZ’s next Helmholtz International Fellow. A total of five researchers were awarded the prize in this round.

The award, which is financed by the Helmholtz President’s Initiative and Networking Fund, has been presented twice a year since 2012. The Helmholtz Executive Committee selects the prize winners from nominations submitted by Helmholtz Centres. In addition to receiving prize money of €20,000, the winners will also be invited to conduct research at one or more Helmholtz Centres. (ph)

Further information:
Kate Maher, Associate Professor at the Department of Earth System Sciences at Stanford University

Helmholtz International Fellow Award presented to five outstanding scientists, Helmholtz press release, 25 October 2019

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