The head of GFZ section Inorganic and Isotope Geochemistry, Sarah Gleeson, has been chosen as the Thayer Lindsley Visiting Lecturer by the Society of Economic Geologists for 2019. The Thayer Lindsley Visiting Lecturer is selected on the basis of widely recognized expertise in a field of Economic Geology. The lecturer visits colleges and universities worldwide “to inspire the next generation of economic geologists”. The nominating committee chose Sarah Gleeson on the basis of “scholarship, leadership, enthusiasm, public speaking talents, and ability to engage and connect with a diverse group of students”.
Sarah Gleeson has also been chosen as one of two Distinguished Lecturers for 2019 by the Mineralogical Society of Great Britain and Ireland. The Distinguished Lecturer programme has the aim to promote interest and discussions across the broad field of mineral sciences, including all aspects of petrology and geochemistry at the Earth’s surface and at depth. The lectures will be given in 2019 at the Universities of Liverpool, Brighton, Leicester and University College London, UK, and the National University of Ireland Galway, Republic of Ireland. (ph)
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