Future Day at the GFZ - The Earth is our Laboratory

The 21st Brandenburg Future Day is taking place today. The GFZ is also getting involved again and is participating under this year's motto "The Earth is our Laboratory".

Today is the 21st Brandenburg Future Day. On Future Day, businesses, companies, universities and many other institutions in the state of Brandenburg give pupils from grade 7 onwards an insight into a wide range of occupational fields. The aim is to make it easier for girls and boys to choose a career.

The GFZ is also involved once again and is participating under this year's Future Day motto "The Earth is our Laboratory". For one day, pupils have the chance to get to know the work at the GFZ on the Telegrafenberg at close quarters. This year, 12 different GFZ sections and their laboratories will open their doors. The participating young people will learn more about what the work of our scientists, laboratory assistants and technicians actually looks like and what kind of job profile is hidden behind it.

The pupils were able to decide in advance which topic they would devote themselves to today. Some, for example, can carry out a rock analysis or even make a special rock skimmer. Others will have the opportunity to examine samples with an emission spectrometer or a scanning electron microscope. Another group will use wood samples to reconstruct the climate. Some students will also carry out a column chromatography with leaf pigments and prepare it accordingly. Last but not least, it is possible to get to know the so-called hammer blow seismics.

The IT Services and IT Operations Department will also introduce the students to other training professions, such as training as IT specialist in systems integration and dual studies in computer science. Finally, the participants experiment in the GFZ school laboratory on the subject of volcanism. They learn about different volcanic rocks and their formation and make a volcano erupt in an experiment.

The "Future Day for Girls and Boys in the State of Brandenburg" takes place annually parallel to the nationwide "Girls' and Boys' Day" and is initiated and coordinated by the Ministry of Education.

More information:

More information on the website of the Brandenburg Future Day (German only)

Information about training and studying at the GFZ



Dipl.-Geow. Manuela Lange

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