Come by! On June 17, 2023, the Long Night of the Sciences will take place on Potsdam's Telegrafenberg, among other places. The institutes AIP, AWI, GFZ and PIK located here cordially invite you.
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Until now, certain biomarkers, the "protosteroids," have been overlooked as fossil witnesses to primordial life
Launch of the European TRANSGEO project: It investigates how abandoned wells from oil and gas production can be used for geothermal energy.
Interview with Niels Hovius on the impending landslide in Brienz (Switzerland). The mountainside has been moving for a long time, the GFZ has been collecting data on site for years.
Using submarine cables for telecommunications, researchers have been able to monitor low-frequency seismic events related to the awakening of Vulcano Island.
With the help of neural networks, the complexity of the layer around the Earth can be reconstructed much better than before. This is important for satellite navigation, among other things.
New administration and communication centre for the GFZ as successor building to A43: Award-winning architectural designs from the competition can now be seen in the Telegrafenberg Library.
This is shown by analysing data from the GRACE/GRACE-FO satellite missions. Depending on the evaluation method, the results vary considerably.
The physical processes within and on submerging oceanic plates are to be better understood, because they cause the largest earthquakes worldwide.
Messages of affected people about the "felt intensity" of a quake can help in early disaster management after only 10 minutes.