GFZ German research centre for geo sciences

MOSMIN (Multiscale Observation Services for Mining-related Deposits)

In the international MOSMIN project, twelve partners collaborate to develop holistic approaches for geotechnical and  environmental monitoring of mining-related deposits, as well as  to estimate their mining potential. The project will combine Copernicus Earth Observation data with high-resolution imagery from unoccupied aerial vehicles (drones) and in-situ sensors to monitor ground deformation, subsurface changes and surface composition. At the GFZ, we contribute with in-situ, non-invasive, innovative geophysical techniques, which are based, among others, on fiber optic technologies (Distributed Acoustic Sensing,DAS) and large-N ambient seismic noise tomography. In collaboration with mining companies, MOSMIN will develop and test its new approaches in pilot sites in Europe, South America and Africa.

Time Frame

  • 2024 - 2027


  • EUSPA - European Union Agency for the Space Programme

Principal Investigators

  • Dr. Verónica Rodríguez Tribaldos
  • Dr. Trond Ryberg
  • Dr. Christian Haberland
  • Prof. Dr. Charlotte Krawczyk


  • Dr. Christopher Wollin

 Project Website


  • HZDR/HIF (Germany) 
  • TheiaX (Germany)
  • CTTC (Spain), Geokinesia (Spain)
  • Babes-Bolyai-University (Romania)
  • Nordic Strategy Partners (Sweden)
  • Universidad de Chile (Chile)
  • CODELCO (Chile)
  • CUPRU MIN (Romania)
  • FQM (Zambia)
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