The short film "Magnetic Mosaic" by Katia Pinheiro, who is currently working as a visiting scientist from Brazil in GFZ Section 2.3, is among the finalists of the Earth Futures Festival 2022. The Earth Future sFestival is organised in cooperation with UNESCO, the International Geoscience Programme (IGCP) and the International Union of Geological Sciences (IUGS) and combines geoscience and art to raise international awareness about the role of earth sciences for a sustainable future.
Out of 972 entries in 7 categories and three themes, 21 films were selected as finalists. "Magnetic Mosaic" is one of the finalists in the theme "Dynamic Earth", category "Women in Earth Sciences". The film combines interviews with 10 female scientists of different nationalities currently working at GFZ and tells how the Earth's magnetic field can connect different of the dynamic parts that shape our planet.
Voting for the People's Choice Award for the best finalist is open until 15 September. To vote, go here: