GFZ German research centre for geo sciences

Positive start-up trend: Three new GFZ spin-offs 2023

GreenGate Genomics offers bioinformatic solutions for complex microbiomes, fluxtec provieds high-resolution gas emission mapping and FOMON’s expertise is in structural monitoring with fibre optics.

In 2023, there were once again three spin-off projects at the GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences that successfully made the leap into entrepreneurship. The new companies are GreenGate Genomics GmbH – Bioinformatic solutions for complex microbiomes, fluxtec UG – High-resolution gas emission mapping and FOMON GmbH – Structural monitoring with fibre optics. This continues the positive start-up trend of recent years.

As a rule, GFZ scientists found companies after a phase of preparation including business model validation. In the case of the three current spin-offs, this was supported by “Helmholtz Enterprise” for around 1.5 years. They are supported by the “Transfer & Innovation” team at the GFZ throughout the entire spin-off process: from patent applications and the development of an initial business model to the procurement of external expertise and consulting services and the acquisition of funding from programmes such as Helmholtz Enterprise.

The spin-offs licence the technologies or patents – which were previously developed in funded projects at the GFZ and on which the business model is based – from the GFZ. Even though the spin-offs are independent and the GFZ does not hold a stake in the companies, there is still a close connection, especially in the early days. For example, many take advantage of the opportunity to rent space close to the original scientific units in the GITA (start-up and innovation floor) on Telegrafenberg, which openend in 2023. This maintains close personal contact with former colleagues and facilitates access to special equipment from the GFZ for special assignments.

Susanne Buiter, Scientific Director of the GFZ, on the pleasing result:

“The GFZ is very proud that 13 start-up teams have taken this bold step into entrepreneurship in the last 6 years alone. This demonstrates our success as one of the strongest start-up centres in the Helmholtz Association. The three new spin-offs show the broad spectrum in which cutting-edge research at the GFZ not only contributes to important fundamental findings, but also establishes a successful technology transfer from science to society and industry. With systematic funding, we have created excellent conditions for this at the GFZ.”

The GFZ spin-offs of the year 2023

GreenGate Genomics – Bioinformatic solutions for complex microbiomes

In July 2023, the biotechnology company GreenGate Genomics GmbH was founded in Potsdam by five employees of GFZ-Section 3.7 “Geomicrobiology” – Dr Alexander Bartholomäus, Dr Daniel Lipus, Prof Dr Dirk Wagner, Prof Dr Susanne Liebner und Dr Sizhong Yang. The bioinformaticians and microbiologists with more than 50 years of combined expertise in genomics, software development and project management now offer highly innovative bioinformatics software solutions and customized services at GreenGate Genomics GmbH. GreenGate Genomics simplifies the analysis of complex microbial genome data and the process of decoding the information stored in the genome for its customers. GreenGate Genomics thus makes genome analysis accessible to a broad user community in the bio- and geosciences for the first time.

Rapid technological developments in recent years have made high-throughput sequencing of DNA and RNA easier and more affordable. This has led to a rapid acceleration of genomic data generation in numerous industrial sectors as well as in research. The precise analysis and interpretation of this genomic sequence data is currently one of the greatest challenges in modern life sciences, particularly in molecular and microbiology. The constantly growing interest in human and environmental health also requires genomics on a large scale.

GreenGate Genomics now wants to fill this gap in the market and enter the emerging market in the field of big data genomics.

For more information about GreenGate Genomics, its products and services, please visit

FOMON GmbH – Structural monitoring with fiber optics

FOMON GmbH (short for “Fiber Optic MONitoring”) was founded by Dr.-Ing.Martin Lipus in Potsdam in August 2023. He was previously a doctoral student and post-doc researcher in GFZ Section 4.8 “Geoenergy” and a post-doc in Section 2.2 “Geophysical Imaging of the Subsurface”. FOMON GmbH specialises in the planning, implementation and innovative data analysis of fibre optic measurement campaigns in demanding industrial applications, such as infrastructure monitoring. The company is now also based as a GFZ spin-off in the Foundation & Innovation Floor on Telegrafenberg.

The services offered by FOMON GmbH are the result of decades of research into fiber optic methods at the GFZ Potsdam. The technology can be used to detect the smallest expansions of a fiber optic cable at any point along the cable. This allows sounds and movements in the vicinity of the cable to be recorded on an extremely small scale. Sensitive recording and complex interpretation of the data then enable precise, fast and cost-effective monitoring solutions. FOMON GmbH's particular expertise lies in the development and implementation of monitoring solutions with a focus on two fields of application: deep drilling technology and road construction.

For more information, please visit

fluxtec UG – High-resolution gas emission mapping

fluxtec is a professional service provider of gas analyses for a wide range of applications in exploration and monitoring founded in July 2023 by Dr.-Ing. Egbert Jolie, a former scientist of GFZ section 3.1 “Inorganic and Isotope Geochemistry”. fluxtec addresses the needs of different industries like geothermal energy, mining, geohazards, waste disposals, environmental studies, and underground gas storage facilities.

Key motivation of the spin-off is to reduce exploration risks in the development of georesources. fluxtec now offers tailormade, multi-scale and affordable solutions from single point to reservoir scale surveys. State-of-the art technologies and innovative workflows enable results in real time. The collected data are complementary to all common exploration data.

The expertise of the company is based on strong international R&D partnerships. During its development fluxtec has realised projects in Iceland, Czech Republic, Ethiopia, Rwanda, Tanzania, New Zealand, USA, Mexico and Germany.

For more information, please visit


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