Shagun Garg was awarded for his outstanding presentation at the "Machine Intelligence for GeoAnalytics and Remote Sensing - Conference" (MIGARS 2023).
Jannes Münchmeyer has been awarded the Adlershof Dissertation Prize for his doctoral thesis on the topic of earthquake early warning.
Alina Shevchenko and Jeffrey Paulo Perez have received the scholarships of the GFZ Discovery Fund.
The Board of Trustees appoints Prof. Lars Bernard to the Scientific Advisory Board of the GFZ.
Harald Schuh is recipient of the 2022 “Ivan I. Mueller Award for Distinguished Service and Leadership” of the Geodesy Section of the American Geophysical Union (AGU).
Niels Hovius appointed to the renowned "National Academy of Science and Engineering – acatech”.
Angelica Castillo, Jannes Münchmeyer, Melanie Lorenz, Michaël Pons & Tobias Schnepper receive the "Outstanding Student and PhD candidate Presentation (OSPP) Award 2022" from the EGU.
The GFZ German Research Center for Geosciences mourns the passing of Kemâl Erbas.
Dr. Patricia Martinez-Garzon wins ERC Starting Grant for her project QUAKE-HUNTER. The project will address the topic of whether earthquakes show a precursory nucleation process.
This year, for the first time, two outstanding young scientists from the GFZ are being honoured with the Friedrich Robert Helmert Prize of the GFZ Friends: Lei Wang and Theresa Hennig.