This year, for the first time, two outstanding young scientists from the GFZ are being honoured with the Friedrich Robert Helmert Prize of the GFZ Friends: Lei Wang and Theresa Hennig.
The GFZ German Research Center for Geosciences mourns the passing of Henning Francke.
Magdalena Scheck-Wenderoth was awarded with the “AWG Professional Excellence Award” by the Association for Women Geoscientists.
Dr. Ute Weckmann takes over the chairmanship of IAGA Division VI "Electromagnetic Induction in the Earth and Planetary Bodies.
Dr. Anke Neumann is a Senior Humboldt Research Fellow and has recently started research in Section 3.5 Interface Geochemistry.
Prof. Onno Oncken was honoured with a scientific colloquium. More than 70 invited guests and numerous GFZ staff members attended this official farewell.
Personalia | Dr. Monika Korte receives a Simons scholarship to participate in the research programme "Frontiers in dynamo theory: from the Earth to the stars".
On your marks, get set, go! – this was the motto at the Biosphäre Potsdam last Sunday, where the proWissen run took place.
We mourn the death of Egon Althaus (1933-2022). He was instrumental in founding the GFZ Potsdam in 1992 and played a major role in determining its scientific orientation.
The Project from Dr. Razafindrakoto to create a seismological lab in Madagascar wins ARISE Grant.