Tree rings show record air dryness. This is shown by oxygen isotope analyses throughout Europe.
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19.12.2023: Eruption with slow-flowing lava streams southwest of the Icelandic capital Reykjavík
Olaf Scholz, as a member of the Bundestag, and Brandenburg's Science Minister Manja Schüle visited the GFZ, PIK and DiGOS to discuss geothermal energy, hydrogen storage and the energy transition.
Latest analyses of data from the region since 2014 show signs of precursor phenomena in the form of spatially and temporally clustered quake sequences in the 8 months before the quake
Eight partner institutions, including the GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences and the Fraunhofer IEG, conclude a cooperation agreement to promote a low-CO2 and import-independent energy supply.
Special fine structures were identified in thousands of tiny zircon crystals using transmission electron microscopy – as evidence in favour of the impact theory.
The ERC Consolidator Grant project “Glass2Melt” will investigate glasses and melts under high pressures and temperatures to create a model of Earth’s ancient magma ocean.
Large new international study combines satellite and ground data
Machine learning helps detect precursor phenomena of earthquakes: A new lab-study provides encouraging results for “time to quake” prediction.
Hydraulic stimulation in hot rock - Unique conditions for real-time monitoring of experiment at a depth of four kilometers