GFZ German research centre for geo sciences

Technology transfer for remote sensing

The working group Technology Transfer for Remote Sensing initiates, facilitates and supports transfer activities in section 1.4 as well as Department 1. The working group combines competences of scientific method development, sustainable software development, and capacity building to support a wide range of technology and knowledge transfer activities. The Helmholtz Innovation Lab FERN.Lab is part of the work group.


  • Application-oriented and user-centered remote sensing product (software) development
  • Transfer support for scientists (co-design, exploitation plan, operationalization, capacity building, SciComm, co-design and user engagement)
  • Support sustainable software development (FAIR principles, architecture and deployment, licensing)
  • Facilitate and initiate external cooperation requests from industry, public administration and NGOs


MiSa.C is a three-step classification process via a cloud-based web-app. Its major advantage is the ability to infuse expert knowledge into the classification process. Learn more: Link to Project Page MiSa.C | FERN.Lab Website

FindR is a data homogenization platform to easily integrate multi-sensor EO data from different providers into user workflows. Learn more: Link to Project Page FindR | FERN.Lab Website

HeatR provides spectral and spatial homogenization routines for multi-sensor thermal satellite data to create comprehensive data sets for multiple applications. Learn more: Link to Project Page HeatR | FERN.Lab Website

SAR4Infra enables time detection of deformations in the centimeter range that threaten streets, rails and bridges. Learn more: Link to Project Page SAR4Infra | FERN.Lab Website

SAR4Tagebaufolgen will develop a prototypical model to explain the relationships between deformation time series, geophysical environmental information and the damage to infrastructure in the open pit mine area Rhineland, western Germany.

CropClass uses optical and radar data to classify crop types at different growth stages. Learn more: Link to Project Page CropClass | FERN.Lab Website

OverFly will develop a robust model for biomass volume assessment of invasive shrubs and herbs using customized high-resolution UAV-based RBG images to develop targeted management strategies. Learn more: Link to Project Page OverFly | FERN.Lab Website

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