GFZ German research centre for geo sciences

Bericht | A better view from above. Training for teachers on satellites and satellite data in Earth sciences

How does science find its way to schools? Autumn school System Earth trains teachers in geosciences.

How does science find its way to schools? As insights and research methods evolve rapidly, once a year the GFZ's School Lab organizes the autumn school System Earth as a training for teachers. Teachers get the opportunity to inform themselves about current developments in the geosciences.

This year's autumn school will take place in cooperation with the German Meteorological Society (DMG) on Telegrafenberg on 20 and 21 November under the title 'A better view from above - satellites and satellite data in Earth Sciences'.

Through lectures, workshops, and excursions, experts from university and non-university institutions give background information on topics such as the monitoring of climate change via satellite missions or the functioning of GPS. The workshops can directly serve as a basis for teaching in classes.

This year, besides GFZ, Ludwig-Maximilian-University Munich, German Aerospace Center, FU Berlin, Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research, German Weather Service, and Weather Museum are participating. (ak)

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