GFZ German research centre for geo sciences

Personalia | Reinhard Hüttl becomes new Vice President of the Society of German Natural Scientists and Physicians

Reinhard Hüttl takes over the honorary office of Vice President of the Society of German Natural Scientists GDNÄ.

Reinhard Hüttl, GFZ’s Scientific Executive Director and Chairman of the Board, took over the honorary office of Vice President of the Society of German Natural Scientists GDNÄ on 1 January, 2019.

The General Assembly of the GDNÄ elected Reinhard Hüttl as its Vice President already in December 2018 in Saarbrücken. The new president is Martin Lohse, Scientific Director of the Max Delbrück Centre, also a centre of the Helmholtz Association.

As Vice President of the GDNÄ, Reinhard Hüttl wants to contribute to strengthening the perception of science in the public debate. Hüttl: "As a member of the GDNÄ Steering Committee, I (...) want to work intensively for a constructive exchange between researchers, physicians, and laypeople. We must ensure that the exchange on science is not only led among experts".

Founded in 1822, the GDNÄ is Germany's oldest interdisciplinary scientific society. It is the only scientific society in Germany that is open for membership not only to experts, but also to pupils, students, and scientific laypeople. Its goals are the promotion of scientific exchange beyond the borders of the disciplines and the communication of fascination and importance of scientific knowledge to an interested public and especially to young people.

As the new Vice President, Hüttl is at the same time designated President of the GDNÄ; he will hold this office in the years 2021 and 2022. (ak)

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