GFZ German research centre for geo sciences

Personalia | Change at Department 5: Prof. Brauer is new head of Department "Geomorphology, Hydrology and Paleoclimatology"

01.09.2015: Starting on September 1, Professor Achim Brauer is new head of GFZ department "Geomorphology, Hydrology and Paleoclimatology". He is inheriting this office from Professor Bruno Merz.

01.09.2015: Starting on September 1, Professor Achim Brauer is new head of GFZ department "Geomorphology, Hydrology and Paleoclimatology". He is inheriting this office from Professor Bruno Merz.

Prof. Achim Brauer will be head of department 5 for the coming years. For several years now, Professor Brauer is head of GFZ section 5.2 "Climate Dynamics and Landscape Evolution" that is part of department 5. He will continue to fullfill this office in addition to his new tasks.

Professor Bruno Merz was head of department 5 from september 2007 until august 2015, and is head of section 5.4 "Hydrology". In addition, he will now be head of the Northeastern German Lowland Observatory (TERENO-Northeast). The executive Board thanks Prof. Merz for his successful work as head of department 5 and wishes him and Prof. Brauer all the best for their new tasks.

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