Helmholtz-Zentrum Deutsches Geoforschungszentrum

M. Sc. Alan Junwa Yu

M. Sc. Alan Junwa Yu
Haus C 4, Raum 1.09 (Büro)
14473 Potsdam
Haus A 46, Raum 206 (Büro)
Albert-Einstein-Straße 42-46
14473 Potsdam

Funktion und Aufgaben:

  • Geodynamische Modellierung der kontinentalen Riftbildung (mit dem numerischen Code ASPECT)
  • Thermo-hydro-mechanische Modellierung von geothermischen Reservoiren (mit dem Code GOLEM)
  • Automatisierte Verknüpfung von ASPECT und GOLEM

Wissenschaftliche Interessen:

Geodynamik, numerische Modellierung, glaziale Geologie

Google Scholar


2024-2027: Doktorand, GFZ Helmholtz-Zentrum für Geofurschung, Potsdam, Deutschland

2023: Studentische Hilfskraft - Geodynamische Modellierung, University of Toronto, Toronto, Kanada

2022: Geophysiker, Abitibi Geophysics, Toronto, Kanada

2021: Studentische Hilfskraft - GIS und Glazialgeologie, University of Toronto, Toronto, Kanada

Werdegang / Ausbildung:

2024-: Doktorand, Universität Potsdam, Geophysik

2023-2024: MSc, University of Toronto, Geodynamics

2018-2023: BSc, University of Toronto, Environmental Physics (Specialist, Co-op)


My doctoral research investigates how large- and small-scale tectonics affect the geothermal prosperity within a rift system, focusing on the Upper Rhine Graben between France and Germany. We are conducting geodynamic models (using numerical code ASPECT) and reservoir models (using code GOLEM) to simulate fault network development, as well as fluid and heat flow within these porous and faulted media, respectively. This will enable a better understanding of subsurface conditions within the graben, thus significantly improving the accuracy of locating promising geothermal sites. Our multi-scale approach will be constrained by available geological and geophysical data, along with the complex tectonic history of the graben.


P.C. Finlay Q.C. President's Fellowships in Geology, University of Toronto, 2023

Queen Elizabeth II Graduate Scholarship in Science and Technology, Government of Ontario, 2023

CRESS Summer Research Award, University of Toronto, 2021-2022

Don Salt Memorial Scholarship, University of Toronto, 2021

NSERC Undergraduate Student Research Award, Government of Canada, 2021

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