Helmholtz-Zentrum Deutsches Geoforschungszentrum

Anais Magalie Sina Urban

Anais Magalie Sina Urban
Haus C, Raum 322 (Büro)
14473 Potsdam

Werdegang / Ausbildung:

2023 - now: PhD student (Warm-Hydro Project)

2020 - 2023: M.Sc Earth, Life and Climate, special track: climate reconstruction, Utrecht University                       

                        Thesis: "Hydro-climatic evolution of the Dead Sea during the Last Deglaciation - Insights from clumped isotopes"

2014 - 2018: B.Sc Georesourcemanagement, RWTH Aachen

                        Thesis: "Sediment physical and geochemical studies on a shallow sediment drill core from the proximal domain of a delta located on Šaško Jezero (Southern Montenegro)"


Awarded with the ECORD Scholarship 2023
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