Angela Carrillo Ponce

Angela Carrillo Ponce
wissenschaftliche Hilfskraft
Angela Carrillo Ponce
Haus H 7, Raum 208 (Büro)
Helmholtzstraße 6/7
14467 Potsdam

Wissenschaftliche Interessen:

  • Tsunami: Generation phase and source modeling.
  • Subduction zones: 1960 Chilean earthquake.
  • Complex ruptures: Characterization of multiple rupture earthquakes.
  • Source inversion: Moment tensor and single force models-
  • Landslides: Initial stage modeling using seismic signals.


PhD student - Universität Potsdam and GFZ. Since Nov 2019.

  • Thesis: "Multiple source inversion for earthquakes and landslides characterization".
  • Fellowship "Becas Chile" granted by ANID program.

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