Helmholtz-Zentrum Deutsches Geoforschungszentrum

M. Sc. Charlotte Läuchli

M. Sc. Charlotte Läuchli
Haus E, Raum 225 (Büro)
14473 Potsdam

Funktion und Aufgaben:

I am a PhD student interested in deep-marine sedimentary records as (1) archives for climate and tectonic conditions of the past, and (2) the locus of key reactions for the geochemical cycling of elements. 

Wissenschaftliche Interessen:

  • Cosmogenic nuclides
  • Deep-marine sediments
  • Biomarkers (Carbon and hydrogen isotopes of leaf wax n-alkane)
  • Lithium isotopes
  • Erosion
  • Silicate weathering
  • Early diagenesis processes in marine environments


  • February 2019 - Currently PhD candidate at the Freie Universität Berlin – Tectonic and Sedimentary Systems/ GFZ Potsdam – Earth Surface Geochemistry
  • October - December 2018 Consultant as Data analyst at the UNEP/GRID-GENEVA
  • April - July 2018 Internship at the UNEP/GRID-Geneva for the MapX application

Werdegang / Ausbildung:

  • Fall 2018 Complementary certificate in Geomaticsat the University of Geneva
  • 2015 - January 2018 Master degree in Geology at the University of Geneva
  • March 2017 European Regional Finals of the AAPG Imperial Barrel Award 2017 competition
  • 2008 – 2012 Bachelor degree in Earth and Environmental Science - University of Geneva / University of Ottawa (Exchange year)


My PhD project, supervised by Anne Bernhardt (FU-Berlin), Hella Wittmann (GFZ-Potsdam), Dirk Sachse (GFZ-Potsdam), and Patrick Frings (GFZ-Potsdam) and performed in close collaboration with Nestor Gaviria (GFZ-Potsdam), investigates the response of the Chilean landscape and its sedimentary systems to the regional aridification taking place after the Last Glacial Maximum. This project is part of the DFG-SPP EarthShape.

For more information, please visit my personal page on the website of the Tectonics and Sedimentary systems research group at the FU-Berlin.

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