Helmholtz-Zentrum Deutsches Geoforschungszentrum

M. Sc. Maoqi Liu

Doktorand (Gast)
M. Sc. Maoqi Liu
Haus A 17, Raum 01.05 (Büro)
14473 Potsdam

Funktion und Aufgaben:

Visiting PhD at GFZ

Wissenschaftliche Interessen:

Remote sensing, deep learning and physical modeling for Ground Motion


2017-2020 China, Guizhou University, Master
2021-2024 China, Hunan University of Science and Technology, PhD

02.2024-present Visiting PhD in GFZ

Werdegang / Ausbildung:

2017-2020 China-Guizhou University, Master, Research on the mechanism of landslide in mining areas.
2021-2024 China-Hunan University of Science and Technology, PhD, Remote sensing, deep learning and physical modeling for Ground Motion.
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