Helmholtz-Zentrum Deutsches Geoforschungszentrum

M. Sc. Shrishail Raut

Wissenschaftler (Gast)
M. Sc. Shrishail Raut
Haus A 17, Raum 10.30 (Büro)
14473 Potsdam

Funktion und Aufgaben:

  • PhD student

Wissenschaftliche Interessen:

  • Combination of Space Geodetic Techniques
  • Very Long Baseline Interferometry (VLBI)
  • Earth Orientation Parameters (EOP)
  • Geodesy for Climate


  • December 2021 - ongoing, Ph.D. Student in the DFG project NextGNSS4GGOS at section 1.1 GFZ Potsdam
  • September 2017 - August 2018, Night Observer at Satellite Laser Ranging (SLR) station, GFZ Potsdam

Werdegang / Ausbildung:

  • Ph.D., Chair of Satellite Geodesy, TU Berlin (2020 - present)
  • Master of Space Engineering, Chair of Space Technology, TU Berlin (2017 - 2019)
  • Bachelor of Technology (B.Tech) in Mechanical Engineering, PDPU, India. (2012 - 2016)



  • To assess the benefits of next-generation Global Navigation Satellite Systems (NextGNSS) constellations for key geodetic products such as the global terrestrial reference frame (TRF), the Earth orientation parameters (EOP), and the Earth’s gravity, all of them meeting the requirements defined by the Global Geodetic Observing System (GGOS)
  • Evaluation of VLBI to Satellite
  • Collaboration within the DFG project NextGNSS4GGOS together with GFZ Section 1.2 “Global Geomonitoring and Gravity Field”


  • A mission to demonstrate pico-Fluid Dynamic Actuator technology for 3-axis control of a 1 U CubeSat in a microgravity environment. The project aims to launch with the Rocket Experiment for University Students (REXUS) 26/27 mission in Spring 2019
  • Responsibilities included Trajectory analysis, Parachute design required for the free-flying unit (FFU)

Wissenschaftliche Gremien:

  • since 2020 Associate Member of the International VLBI Service for Geodesy and Astrometry


  • IAG travel award for REFAG 2022, Thessaloniki, Greece
  • IAG travel award for IUGG 2023, Berlin, Germany

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