Prof. Dr. Yuri Shprits
Funktion und Aufgaben:
Yuri Shprits ist SectionLeiter Sektion 2.7.Wissenschaftliche Interessen:
Yuri Shprits' primarily area of scientific research is understanding the dynamics of the near
Earth space environment that is hazardous satellites. Yuri has developed codes to quantify the
dynamical evolution of the radiation belts. He has also developed codes to quantify quasi-
linear scattering rates due to wave-particle interactions. He has quantified the effects of
scattering by ELF/ VLF and ULF waves and identified a number of critical effects associated
with radial diffusion, local acceleration and loss of the radiation belt electrons. He is an author
of over 190 publications, 11 in Nature Publishing Group journals. His h-index is 47.
Werdegang / Ausbildung:
- • Honors B.Sc., Moskauer Institut für Physik und Technologie, Physik/Angewandte Mathematik, 1997
• M.S., Universität Oklahoma, Meteorologie, 2001
• M.S., Universität Kalifornien, Los Angeles, Atmosphärenwissenschaften (Weltraumphysik), 2004
• Ph.D., GPA 4.0, Universität Kalifornien, Los Angeles, Atmosphärenwissenschaften (Weltraumphysik), 2005
- • Honors B.Sc., Moskauer Institut für Physik und Technologie, Physik/Angewandte Mathematik, 1997
- Development of a 3D-Diffusion Code as a Radiation Belt Module in the GGCM (NSF), PI.
- Quantifying Losses and Sources of Relativistic Electrons Using Kalman Filtering (NASA), PI.
- The Origin of Relativistic Electrons in the Jovian Magnetosphere (Co-I with PI R. Thorne) (NASA), PI
- Modeling of the Origin and Energizing of the Inner Radiation Belt Electrons and Phenomena that Mediates Them (AFRL), PI.
- The Role of EMIC Waves in the Outer Radiation Belt Losses (as a UCLA PI; Project PI: Ukhorskiy), (NASA).
- RAPID: Adding Energetic Particle and Magnetic Field Measurements to a Russian University Satellite Mission, (NSF), PI.
- Radiation Belt Reanalysis Project (UCOP), $1.4M, PI.
Currently Funded Research Projects:
SIM – Solar Image-based Modeling. (PI) funded by Helmholtz Imaging Platform
2. PAGER – Prediction of Adverse effects of Geomagnetic storms and Energetic Radiation. (PI) funded by EU Horizon 2020
3. SPEACH – Understanding the influence of the SPace Environment on Atmospheric CHemistry and dynamics. (PI) funded by German Research Foundation (DFG)
4. MAP – Machine Learning Based Plasma Density Model. (PI) funded by HGF Research for Grand Challenges
5. Survey of Jovian Plasma Wave Intensity and Diffusive Modeling of Electron Acceleration and Scattering (co-I) funded by NASA
6. Determining the Role of EMIC Waves and the Magnetopause in the Dropout of Ultra-relativistic Electron Fluxes (co-I) funded by NASA
7. SFB 1294 Mathematics Collaborative Research Center Data Assimilation: Novel Methods for the 3D Reconstruction of the Dynamic Evolution of the Van Allen Belts Using Multiple Satellite Measurements (PI) funded by DFG
Wissenschaftliche Gremien:
Member of an Editorial Board:
Journal of Basic and Applied Physics (JBAP), since 2013.
Member of the Editorial Board of ELSEVIER’s Space Science Reviews.
Member of the Editorial Board of MDPI’s Geosciences, since 2021
Meeting Convener:
Convener, Inner Magnetospheric Coupling (IMC-III) Workshop, Los Angeles, CA, 2015.
Focus group leader, Geospace Environmental Modeling Workshop, 2010-2014.
Convener, Inner Magnetospheric Coupling (IMC-II) Workshop, Los Angeles, CA, 2012.
Convener, Radiation Belt Workshop, St. Petersburg, Russia, 2010.
Convener, Inner Magnetospheric Coupling (IMC-I) Conference, Espo, Finland, 2008.
Convener, Radiation Belt Workshop, St. Petersburg, Russia, 2008.
Activity and Membership in Professional Societies:
Member, American Geophysical Union
Member, European Geophysical Union
Member, Committee on Space Research
Focus group leader, Radiation Belt and Wave Modeling (RBWM) NSF Geospace Environmental Modeling (GEM) Workshop
Vice-chair, COSPAR sub-committee D3.3
Member, UCAR Jack Eddie Fellowship steering committee
Activity and Membership in National Committees:
Member, Russian Space Research Consul of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 2013-present
Professional Reviews
Frequent reviewer of NSF and NASA proposals.
Frequent reviewer, Journal of Atmospheric and Solar Terrestrial Physics, Geophysical Research Letters, Journal of Geophysical Research, Journal of Plasmas, Space Weather Journal, Space Science Reviews, Advances in Space Research
- 2012, Presidential Early Career Awards for Scientists and Engineers
Awarded by President Obama, White House, Washington, DC, July 2012. - 2011, Editors’ Citation for Excellence in Refereeing for Space Weather, America Geophysical Union.
- 2011, Arne Richter Award for Outstanding Young Scientists, Union award of the European Geosciences Union, Vienna, Austria
- 2011, Journal of Atmospheric and Solar Terrestrial Physics, award for “Most Cited Article in 2005-2010”
- 2008, Young Investigator Proposal (YIP), AFOSR.
- 2004, Jacob Bjerknes Award, Department of Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences, UCLA