Helmholtz-Zentrum Deutsches Geoforschungszentrum

Deltastickstoff - das erste natürliche kristalline Stickstoff-Allotrop

Tschauner, O., Navon, O., Schmidt, C. (2022): Deltanitrogen, IMA 2019-067b, in: CNMNC Newsletter 69. - European Journal of Mineralogy, 34, 463-468. https://doi.org/10.5194/ejm-34-463-2022

Navon, O., Wirth, R., Schmidt, C., Jablon, B. M., Schreiber, A., Emmanuel, S. (2017): Solid molecular nitrogen (δ-N2) inclusions in Juina diamonds: Exsolution at the base of the transition zone. - Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 464, 237-247.


Oded Navon, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Institute of Earth Sciences

Oliver Tschauner,  University of Nevada, Las Vegas, Department of Geoscience

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