Helmholtz-Zentrum Deutsches Geoforschungszentrum

M. Sc. Laurens Jozef Nicolaas Oostwegel

M. Sc. Laurens Jozef Nicolaas Oostwegel
Haus A 70, Raum 207 (Büro)
14473 Potsdam

Funktion und Aufgaben:

  • PhD Candidate exposure modelling for multi-hazard at GFZ and Isterre / UGA
  • Creating a European-wide building model for sustainability, urban renewal and hazard assessment (LDT Toolbox)
  • Serious game development (the HuT)
  • High-resolution exposure modelling (the HuT / Geo-inquire)

Wissenschaftliche Interessen:

  • High-resolution Building Exposure Modelling
  • OpenStreetMap & Geographic Open Data
  • Multi-hazard risk assessment


  • 2022-2024 Geodata Scientist, GFZ
  • 2020-2022 Researcher BIM data and geodata, ZAG
  • 2019-2020 Thesis internship indoor positioning using augmented reality, CGI
  • 2019 Thesis internship social vulnerability in cities, IPOP
  • 2017 Internship point clouds and database management, Deltares

Werdegang / Ausbildung:

  • 2024-present PhD Candidate - Université Grenoble Alpes / ISTerre
  • 2016-2020 MSc Geomatics for the Built Environment - TU Delft (+ exchange at TU Munich)
  • 2017-2019 MSc Urban Geography - Utrecht University
  • 2013-2016 BSc Architecture, Urbanism and Building Sciences - TU Delft


  • LDT Toolbox (2024-present)
  • The HuT (2022-present)
  • Geo-Inquire (2022-present)
  • RISE (2022-2023)

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