Servohydraulic MTS Press
English only
- Stiff servohydraulically controlled press for acoustic emission (AE) and ultrasonic velocity measurements on triaxially stressed rocks.
- Sample size: < 50 x 100 mm
- Temperature: 25°C - 150°C (under construction)
- Confining Pressure: < 200 MPa (fluid)
- Axial load: < 4600 kN
- Stiffness (frame): 11 MN/mm
- Strain rate range: 10-6 - 10-2 s-1
- Fast reacting servo-controlled hydraulic loading
- On-line AE-analysis
- Full AE-waveform storage
- High spatial resolution of AE-hypocenters by use of 16 piezoelectric sensors
- Pore pressure control
Gas Deformation Apparatus
English only
- Paterson-type gas apparatus for triaxial deformation and torsion experiments under high pressure - high temperature conditions.
- Sample size: 10 x 20 mm
- Temperature: < 1300°C
- Confining Pressure: < 500 MPa (gas)
- Axial load: < 100 kN
- Stiffness (frame): 2 MN/mm
- Strain rate range: 10-7 - 10-1 s-1
- Torque: < 1000 Nm
- Pore pressure: < 500 MPa
- Axial and/or torsional deformation
- Pore pressure control
- Ultrasonic velocities (under construction)
- Internal load, torque and displacement sensors
High Temperature Creep Apparatus
English only
Uniaxial creep rig for high temperature creep tests under controlled chemical environment (‘dead-load’ or stepper motor-controlled)
- Sample size: < 4 x 8 mm
- Temperature: < 1400-1800 °C
- Confining Pressure: 0.1 MPa
- Axial load: < 1-2 kN
- Stiffness (frame): 3 MN/mm
- Strain rate range: 10-8 - 10-4 s-1
- Oxygen-fugacity control
- Frictionless loading
- High displacement accuracy